1.Based on the introduction of the essence of knowledge absorptive capacity and its forming model,this paper systematically explores the relevant hierarchy elements that promote or restrict the forming of Knowledge Absorptive Capacity,so as to provide a new ins.在介绍吸收能力内涵,在构建组织吸收能力的形成模型基础上,系统地探讨促进或制约组织吸收能力形成的科层因素,为公司创新能力不足这一瓶颈问题提供新视角。
2.Different from traditional "firm" and "market",we suggest three dimensions:"firm","hierarchy" and "market".本文将科斯命题同企业的组织形式联系起来,区别于传统的企业与市场的二分法,提出了企业、科层与市场的三维划分。

1.Catering to the Community and Taining Generalist from Secondary Medical School but with College Level;面向基层 培养中专起点专科层次的全科医生
2.The Combination of the Subject Aspect and the Practice Onein the Physical Course;体育课程学科层次与实践层次的整合
3.The Analysis of Meaning and Structural Characteristics of Bureaucracy--Concurrently on Marx Webber s Bureaucracy Theory;科层制的涵义及结构特征分析——兼评韦伯的科层制理论
4.An Economical Analysis on Local Bureaucracy Cost of the Policy公共政策地方科层损耗的经济分析
5.His interest in bureaucracies continued for over two decades.他对科层制的兴趣持续了20多年。
6.Learning Science-A Comparison of Deep and Surface Approaches;科学学习——深层和浅层学习通道的对比
7.Analysis and Evaluation on the Structural Hierarchy of Scientific Research in Multiversity多科性大学科研结构层次分析与评价
8.Sheet Sectional and Microsurgical Anatimic Studies of Orbital Apex Region;眶尖区薄层断层解剖和显微外科解剖学研究
9.Microsurgical and Sheet Sectional Anatomic Study of the Pterygopalatine Fossa Region;翼腭窝区显微外科解剖与薄层断层解剖学研究
10.A Cross-Discipline Study of Surface Structure and Deep Structure;表层结构与深层结构理论的跨学科研究
11.Surface Structure and Deep Structure in social sciences;社会科学领域的表层结构与深层结构理论
12.The Study of the Science and Technology Management of the Grassroots Level on the Basis of Enterprise Progress;基于企业科技进步的基层科技管理问题研究
13.The Discussion on the Functions of the Social Stratification Influenced by the Culture of Imperial Examinations with Multi-Disciplines;多学科视域下科举文化控制社会分层功能浅议
14.Considerations on Improving the Management of Scientific Researches in Basic Agricultural Institutions;搞好基层农业科研单位科研管理工作的思考
15.The Disscusing of Characteristic with Many Subiects and Many Arrangements in Research Methods of Nerve Science;试论神经科学研究方法的多学科、多层次的特点
17.Study on the Innovation to Science and Technology and Transformation to Achievement in the Basic Agricultural Science and Technology Unit;论基层农业科技单位的科技创新与成果转化
18.The Stratification of Scientific Community and the Differences of Scientific Personnel Mobility Views;科学共同体分层与科技人员流动观的差异

1.The bureaucracy of the library mostly represented in the form of special administration management and common administration management,which operated by bridle-wise professional and runs uninterrupted following fixed regulations,to satisfy the public requirement of information.图书馆的科层化主要表现为专业行政管理与公共行政管理特性,是由训练有素的专业人员按照既定的规则使之不断的运作,满足公众信息需求。
1.The Analysis of Meaning and Structural Characteristics of Bureaucracy——Concurrently on Marx Webber s Bureaucracy Theory;科层制的涵义及结构特征分析——兼评韦伯的科层制理论
2.Break bureaucracy:thinking on the goal of chinese administrative reform;超越科层制:对中国行政改革目标的思考
3.The Guangxi Top Athlete Raises Bureaucracy Fundamental Research;广西优秀运动员培养的科层制理论研究
4)hierarchy failure科层失灵
1.The conception of hierarchy failure in transaction cost economics paradigm does not conclude contradiction and conflict between individual and collective rationality.交易费用经济学范式中的科层失灵难以表述个人理性与集体理性的矛盾和冲突。
5)layer surface of science and technology科技层面
6)bureaucratic approach科层取向
1.The transition of school-based teachers management system from "bureaucratic approach" to the "professional approach"is in concert with the current situation of curriculum reform and educational development.校本教师管理从"科层取向"到"专业取向"适应了课程改革与教育发展的形势。

科层制  见官僚制。