1.Meanwhile,Marx criticized Hegel s claim that bureaucracy is honest and therefore represented the view of the general class.黑格尔认为,国家用自治机关和官僚机构来调节市民社会间的各种矛盾,官僚政治的基础就是“国家”与“市民社会”、“特殊利益”与“普遍利益”之间的分离。
2.Based on the bureaucracy utility function model, the paper makes mechanism arrangement and tries to find the rational market equilibrium in market game by employing the backward induction.文章通过考据与论证,明确指出由于现行体制的束缚,中国的国有企业缺乏真正意义上的企业家,国企的经营者不过是一个有中国特色的官僚与代理人的混合体,并在官僚效用函数模型的基础上进行机制设计,同时运用逆向归纳法求解市场博弈中的合理均衡。

1.They have a beareau-cratic mind set Gary they..他们很官僚,加里..
2.(5) Confiscate bureaucrat-capital;(五)没收官僚资本;
3.3. Confiscate bureaucrat-capital.(三)没收官僚资本。
4.hidebound views, bureaucrats守旧的观点、 官僚
5.Of, relating to, or resembling a mandarin.官僚的属于或类似于或与官僚有关的
6.Administration according to virtue:The Surpass of Post-Bureaucaracy to Bureaucaracy;以德行政:后官僚制对官僚制的超越
7.The plight of controlling Bureaucrats: Review on Bureaucratic Justice官僚控制的困境——读《官僚的正义》
8.The bureaucracy has become ossified.官僚主义已变得僵化了。
9.Don' t be contaminated by bureaucratism.不要沾染官僚主义作风。
10.raged at the mindless bureaucracy.怒斥愚蠢的官僚主义
11.the straitjacket of bureaucratic paperwork.官僚文牍主义的束缚
12.a suffocating bureaucracyf action压制自由的官僚政治.
13.Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.形式主义也是官僚主义。
14.an official of a bureaucracy.一个官僚机构的公务员。
15.We suffer from too much officialdom.我们深受官僚作风之害.
16.the juggernaut of bureaucracy官僚作风的严重危害.
17.Promised to reorganize the federal bureaucracy.发誓整顿联邦官僚作风
18.It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.必须清除官僚习气。

1.The rational bureaucracy seeks for the institutional reason and regulates the bureaucrats behaviors and it makes their behavior procedured,rational and legitimate and enables bureaucrats to be "regulated bureaucrats".理性官僚制追求制度理性,用制度来规束官僚的行为,保证官僚行为的程序性、合理性与合法性,使得官僚成为“规则的官僚”。
2.Availing themselves of their family background,the family members of the aristocrats and bureaucrats of the Han Dynasty had the privileges to receive the titles of nobility and official positions,collect rental tax of their fiefs,gain large amount of largess from the emperor and be exempted from taxes and corvee.汉朝贵族官僚的家族成员拥有凭借其家庭出身而获得爵位和任官的特权,有收取封地的租税、获得皇帝的大量赏赐和免除赋役等特权,有减刑和免刑的特权。
1.Bureaucratism is the principle that bureaucrats utilize the authority in their hands to gain personal benefit but to harm the people s rights and the attitude of separation themselves from the people.官僚主义是官僚运用手中权力图谋私利而损害人民权利的处事原则和脱离人民群众的思想作风。
2.The postulate of"Comparing-interests Human"supposes that bureaucrats in public administration is neither selfish nor altruistic, but comparing and balancing multiple interests."比较利益人"假设主张官僚在公共管理中的行为动机兼有利己和利他,对多元利益进行比较权衡。
4)bureaucratic law官僚法
5)Bureaucracy costs官僚成本
1.Reasonable Analysis on Butting Joint of Bureaucracy and Post-bureaucracy in Our Days;当前官僚制与后官僚制对接之理性分析
2.A Root-source Analysis of Bureaucracy Ills;官僚制弊病的根源性分析
3.Modern bureaucracy and post-bureaucracy:dilemmatic choice for administrator in 21st century;现代官僚制与后官僚制:21世纪公共管理者的二难抉择
