1.There are cultural differences,which may be original or generative.文化存在着差异,这种差异体现为原初态差异和生成性差异。
2.And there are two different methodological holisms: one is constitutive holism which regards a problem as the constitutive whole and solves it through constitutive methods;the other is generative holism which regards a problem as the generative whole and deals with it through generative methods.整体论路径可区分为两种取向,一是构成整体论,它把对象视为"构成性整体",目标是实现构成性超越;二是生成整体论,它把对象视为"生成性整体",目标是实现生成性超越。
3.The curriculum is one culture which develops into dynamic and generative culture in its unceasing change.课程是一种文化,并且是不断变化之中的动态生成性文化。

1.Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.生成性教学是生成性思维视域下的教学形态。
2.On Generative Nature of the Love Tragedy of Baoyu and Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansion:From the Perspective of Deleuze's Generative Theory从德勒兹的生成论看《红楼梦》宝黛绝唱的生成性
3.The Object of Existentialism,Theory of Existence and Generative Methodology;存在论、生存论与生成性方法论旨趣
4.spallogenic radionuclide散裂生成放射性核素
5.linear programming file generator线性规划文件生成程序
6.A mature male germ cell, produced in the testicles.成熟的?性生殖细胞,在?丸内??成的。
7.From "Predetermination" to "Generation"-Introduction to Situational Instruction;从“预成”到“生成”—境遇性教学导论
8.The Study of the Antiangiogenic Activity Composition from Equisetum Hiemale L.木贼中抗肿瘤新生血管生成活性成分的研究
9.The Correlation of Angiopoietin and Angiogenesis of Breast Cancer;促血管生成素与乳腺癌血管生成的相关性
10.The Characterization of Generating and Cogenerating in the Category of Semimodules;半模范畴中生成与余生成及其相关性质
11.Analysis on Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Survival of Carya cathayensis Grafted Seedling山核桃嫁接成活的生理生化特性分析
12.Synthesis and Biological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives;吡唑衍生物的合成及其生物活性研究
13.Synthesis the Gossypol Derivatives and Study on the Biological Activity;棉酚衍生物的合成及其生物活性研究
14.Synthesis and Bioactivity Evaluation of Curcumin Derivatives;姜黄素衍生物的合成及生物活性评价
15.The Synthesis of Several Carbohydrate Derivatives with Bioactivity;几种具有生物活性糖类衍生物的合成
16.Focus on the Students Shining Points, Help Them Form Good Character;捕捉学生闪光点 促成学生好性格
17.Can the Virtue and the Moral Behavior of Students Be Developed by Means of Externalizing?;学生德性或德行能由内而外的生成吗?
18.The Study on the Generation of Practical Knowledge for Student Teacher Teaching Practice as Substitute Teacher“实习支教生”实践性知识生成研究

1.Analyze the Becoming Meaning of "Xing" in the Poetics of Wang Fu-zhi;论“兴”在王夫之诗学中的生成性意义
5)linear generating线性生成
1.The definition of linear generating method is given in this paper, the problem what elements can form basic matrix is discussed.给出了线性生成的定义,主要讨论什么样的元素才能构成生成基矩阵的问题,由此得到了线性累加生成空间。
6)formation characteristic生成特性
1.SO_2 formation characteristics of coal in O_2/CO_2 mixture;燃煤在O_2/CO_2方式下SO_2生成特性的研究

红细胞生成性血卟啉病红细胞生成性血卟啉病 属于血卟啉病的一种类型。系骨髓内卟啉代谢紊乱所致,故又称"骨髓性血卟啉病"。临床罕见,仅见于小儿,与遗传有关。临床分三型,即尿卟啉型、粪卟啉型及原卟啉型。其中以原卟啉型较常见,属常染色体显性遗传,其遗传基因有量变的外显率,可能与抑制基因和环境因素有关,一般认为红细胞的原卟啉来源于骨髓,血浆中的原卟啉则来源于肝脏及含有原卟啉的红细胞破坏。童年发病,病情较轻,主要表现为光感性皮肤损害,暴露处皮肤有痛、痒、红、肿、尤以面部、手背、指关节伸面为著,偶有轻度溶血性黄疸,周围血网织红细胞增多,骨髓呈幼红细胞增生现象,因含有大量卟啉,故可见红色荧光。血中也有荧光红细胞所见。尿、粪中,尿卟啉、粪卟啉增多。此外,尿胆元常增加。采取对症治疗皮肤损害和溶血性贫血,并预防复发,β胡萝卜素对本病有较好疗效。