1.Confucian Doctrine of Self-cultivation and "Gui De Li Hua" of the Scholar-bureaucrat in the Han Dynasty;儒家的修身学说与汉代士大夫的轨德立化
2.Laying much emphasis on personal self-cultivation and self-conducting,Xunzi held the opinion that personal self-cultivation and self-conducting contributes not only to social stability but also to the realization of one s life values.荀子非常重视个人的修身做人,认为个人修身做人既有利于社会的稳定,又有利于实现个人的人生价值。
3.As a Chinese characteristic term, self-cultivation is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.修身作为一个有中国特色的词语,是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分,时至今日仍体现出其深刻的现实意义。

1.She cultivated her mind by reading.她以阅读来修身养性。
2.To cultivate the moral self, regulate the family, maintain the state rightly and make all peaceful.修身,齐家,治国,平天下
3.Learn from Tao to Become Sage:Understanding of Lao Zi s Thought of Cultivating One s Moral Character;以道为师,修身成圣——管窥老子的修身思想
4.The Inspiration of Confucian Thoughts on Cultivating Moral Character of Science and Technology Talents儒家的修身思想对科技人才道德修养的启示
5.Inspiration of Confucius morality cultivation to students of teachers colleges;孔子修身思想对高校师范生自我修养的启示
6.Study on the traditional outlook of Self-cultivation and the Accomplishment of party spirit for students关于传统修身观与大学生党性修养的研究
7.Cultivating one s Moral Character & Practicing Ethics--On the Way of Cultivating One s Moral Character in "Lao Zi" and "The Book of Changes";怀宝而修身 守静而不争——《老子》与《周易》中的修身之道
8.Modern Interpretation of the Value of Self-cultivation from the Perspective of Physical Philosophy;身体哲学视域下修身理论价值的现代阐释
9.a slenderly tall girl身材苗条而修长的少女
10.The act or process of repairing the bodies of motor vehicles.修理车身修理机动车车身的工作或过程
11.He accused the garage of shoddy workmanship on the bodywork.他指责汽车修理厂车身修理工艺拙劣。
12.paint, repair, damage the bodywork of a car给汽车车身喷漆、 修理汽车车身、 损坏汽车车身.
13.The standard of qualitative assessment for vehicle repair--Major repair of bodiesGB/T15746.3-1995汽车修理质量检查评定标准车身大修
14.To adjust(a garment) for a better fit.修改衣服改(服装)使之更为合身
15.A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.一个单身汉修补一炉烤糟的饼干。
16.Her long dress is torn. Can you mend it?她的连身长裙破了,你可以修补吗?
17.Technical requirements for bus bodies being overhauledGB/T5336-1985大客车车身修理技术条件
18.He was tall and slim. He held himself with a deliberate grace.他身材修长,有一种矜持的优美。

morality cultivation修身
1.The ideas of "Ge Wu Zhi Zhi"(格物致知),"Zheng Xin Cheng Yi"(正心诚意) and "Gong Xing Jian Lv"(躬行践履) are three important links of Zhuxi s morality cultivation.格物致知、正心诚意、躬行践履是朱熹修身工夫的三个重要环节。
2.Its content includes auspicious words or mottos for morality cultivation.汉印中的吉语格言印如同先秦时期的吉语格言古玺一样,并不具备信物的功能,其内容往往都是一些以祈福为目的的吉祥语词或修身的箴言。
1.The Reinterpretation of Xunzi s Cultivation;荀子“修身观”的近代解读
4)moral cultivation修身
1.Compared with the traditional theory of "poetic cultivation",their views have two characteristics:(1)the carrier of political utility is limited to the classical works rather than pure literary works;(2)their praise of "moral cultivation" through poetry deviates the theme of social vicissitudes.与传统“风教”论相比,他们的观点蕴涵了两大新的指向:一是把政治功利的载体主要限制于儒家典籍,而非纯文学作品,二是推崇“风教”的“修身”功能,从而与社会兴衰治乱的主旨有所偏离。
1.As an important part of our country s traditional culture,the thought of accomplishment in Da Xue contains much important things which deserve us to inherit and develop.大学的修身思想作为我国传纯文化中的重要组成部分,蕴含了许多宝贵的东西,值得批判地继承和发扬。
6)law-abiding conscientiously修身奉法

修身  中国古代重要的道德概念,意为陶冶、锻炼自身的道德品质。"修身"一词最初见于《墨子·非儒篇》。先秦时期的孔子已经意识到提高道德品质修养的重要性。他说:"德之不修,学之不讲,......是吾忧也"。孟子也要求"壮者以暇日修其孝悌忠信"。荀子认为"以修身自强,则名配尧禹",并著有《修身篇》。后来,《大学》一书把儒家的政治和道德理论概括为"八条目"(见三纲领八条目,其中以"修身"作为最主要的条目之一,强调"自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本"。然而,在修身的途径上,以荀子为代表的朴素唯物主义者强调环境教育,隆师亲友;孟子主张"反求诸己"、"尽心知性",养"浩然之气",陷入了唯心主义。这两种道德修养理论,对后世均有重大影响。