1.In the "self-understanding of psychology",the problem of mind,namely,metaphysics of mind is immensely important,which involves a few basic and fundamental problems of ontology and methodology of "mind".“心理学的自我理解”就是对心理学真切的自我体察和自我反思,并依此发展和建构具体的心理学实践。
2.From the perspective of survivalism, the author discusses the "self-understanding" in "minority philosophy" in order to reveal the significance and value of the study of the minority philosophy.本文从"生存论"的哲学观出发,探究"少数民族哲学"的"自我理解",揭示少数民族哲学研究的意义和价值。
3.This study used qualitative research to explore self-understanding.身体自我图式、活动自我图式、社会自我图式、心理自我图式、自我连续性、自我能动性、自我独特性是衡量自我理解的指标,以Hart的自我评分手册作为自我理解的编码标准,对自我理解进行研究,结果表明: 1、小学生的自我理解水平低于初中生和高中生的自我理解水平,小学生对客体我的理解主要处于第2水平,对主体我的理解主要处于第2水平;初中生对客体我的理解主要处于第2水平,对主体我的理解主要处于第3水平;高中生对客体我的理解主要处于第3水平,对主体我的理解主要处于第3水平。

1.The Self Understanding of "Ru":Xunzi s Speaking of Ru and its Significance;“儒”的自我理解——荀子说儒的意义
2.There you will stay for timeless healing, for rest, atonement, forgiveness and understanding of self.在那里你会进行治疗和休息、罪、恕和自我理解
3.I can understand you, just as I can understand myself.我能理解你,正如我理解自己一般。
4.I'll never understand or forgive myself.我永远也不会理解或饶恕我自己。
5.The Effects of Self-explaining and Working Memory on Chinese Reading Comprehension自我解释与工作记忆对汉语阅读理解的影响
6.Being poor at English, I'm afraid I can't make myself understood.我的英语很差,恐怕很难让自己被理解。
7.A Study of the Correlation between Ego Boundaries and Reading Comprehension in English Learning;自我界定和阅读理解的相关关系研究
8.Power Separation Principle and Deconstruction of Constitutional System of Britain;分权理论与英国宪政体制之自我解构
9.Venuti s Perspective on Translation Ethics and Its Self-Deconstruction;韦努蒂的“翻译伦理”及其自我解构
10.Research on Students Psychology of Defending Themselves in Receiving Education;学生接受教育中自我辩解心理的探讨
11.Analyze and Understand Psychologically the Self Conception in Shi Tao's Art Theory石涛艺术思想中“自我”观的心理学解读
12.The present village dispute settlement falls into self-determination, reconciliation, mediation, administrative adjudication and lawsuit, etc.我国现行乡村纠纷解决机制包括自决、和解、调解、行政机关处理、诉讼。
13.And our heart's a hopeful song, we barely understood.其实我们自己不能完全理解我们的希望。
14.I'm sure she will understand. My advice is that you'd better take it easy.我敢肯定她会理解的。我看你还是顺其自然吧。
15.I speak to him in English and find I can make myself understand.我用英语跟他说话并发现我能使自己让人理解。
16.Critique of the Transcendental Ego and the Theory of Non-egological Conception of Consciousness --On the Contribution of Young Sartre超越论的自我论之批判与意识的非自我论理解——年青萨特的贡献
17.Self-Identity and Education in the Period of Transformation--Interpretation of Giddens’ Theory of Self-Identity;社会转型时期的自我认同与教育——解读吉登斯的自我认同理论
18.I understand. But tell me.我能理解。告诉我。

1.Self-understanding:Starting Point of Teachers' Professional Development理解自我:教师专业发展的起点
3)self-understanding of man人的自我理解
1.With the rise of historical sense and the shift to life world, contemporary philosophy has taken the self-understanding of man as its topic, and constructed a new mode of thinking, i.随着历史意识的兴起,现代哲学实现了自身的生活世界转向并把哲学主题定位于人的自我理解
1.An empirical study of the influence of self-explanation training on the mathematically-poor students of the junior middle school in solving application problems;自我解释训练对初中数困生应用题解题影响的实验研究
2.The Influence of Fading Worked-out Steps、Self-Explanation and Instruction Explanation on Mathematical Problem Solving Transfer among Studying Examples;样例学习中的渐减提示、自我解释和教学性解释对问题解决迁移的影响
3.The three research themes, intra-example features and inter-example features of worked example and the self-explanation, are reviewed since 1980s in the present article.文章主要介绍了20世纪80年代以来对样例内特征、样例间特征以及自我解释效应的研究成果,指出了样例学习研究尚待进一步解决的问题,为将来进一步探讨样例学习提供了新的参考框架。
6)overcome difficulty by ourselves自我解困
