1.While focusing on the training of skills, the expression of emotion and the training of such ability and the understanding of music should be carried out throughout the teaching process.钢琴教学,在注重技巧训练的同时,应该把音乐情感的表现与能力的培养、音乐理解力的培养,贯穿于教学中的每一个环节。
2.Human beings knowledge is numerous, among which those that can exert a deep influence on people s understanding are what is valuable to people s life-long development and the basic knowledge.人类的知识浩如烟海,什么样的知识是基本的知识?那些能够对人的理解力和解释力产生深刻影响的知识就是对于人的终身发展有价值的知识,就是基本知识。

1.quick [slow] on the uptake敏 [拙] 于理解,理解力强[差]
2.To have understanding, knowledge, or comprehension.理解,懂得具有理解力、知识或了解
3.the lack of insight and sympathetic understanding.缺乏洞察力或理解力
4.On the Improvement of the Understanding论人类理解力的提高
5.Human understanding is finite.人类的理解力是有限的。
6.To possess knowledge, understanding, or information.拥有知识、理解力或信息
7.Be superior to others in understanding在理解力方面胜过他人
8.His understanding of English is very good.他对英语的理解力很强。
9.a comprehensive mind具有充分理解力的头脑
10.You' ll have to explain it to me carefully I' m not very quick on the uptake.你得给我仔细解释一下--我理解力差.
11.Intelligence is often correlated to memory .理解力经常是和记忆力相关联的。
12.He tried to fashion the lecture to the audience's understanding他力图使演讲适应听众的理解力
13.He has a mind of great capacity.他的理解能力极强。
14.That boy is quick in the uptake.那男孩理解能力很强。
15.define intercultural competence.定义“跨文化理解能力”。
16.I have done quite well in my audio-comprehension.我的听力理解考得不错。
17.mental understanding as an enlightening experience.智力受到启发的理解。
18.Factors that Affect the Listening Comprehension and their Solutions;影响听力理解的几个因素及解决途径

1.This paper tries to explore the actuality foundation, many dimensional characteristics and deep-layer nature of Kant s concept of genius, through delineating and elucidating its natural, social, unique and typical features, and the relation between imagination and comprehension, thus defining and arguing the human nature of genius.该文试图通过对康德天才观的自然性与社会性 ,独创性与典范性 ,想象力与理解力关系的勾勒和阐发 ,探寻其天才思想的现实基础、多维特征以及深层本性 ,从而达到对天才之人性的界定与论
3)resistance to cleavage解理抗力
1.In this paper, a new parameter reflecting the resistance to cleavage fracture, named as "cleavage characteristic stress Sco" , was introduced.关键词:低温脆断,解理断裂,解理抗
4)Comprehension ability理解能力
1.It can be seen as a new method to solve the popular problem in foreign language learning where the comprehension ability of the language learner is far beyond his production ability.采用语言模仿的机制学习外语,通过背诵、模仿、引用、移植、嫁接或词语变形等方法增加语言信息量的输入,提高语言输出能力,可使学习者对所学外语进行活学活用,对解决学习者的理解能力远远超过其外语产出能力这个在外语学习中普遍存在的问题具有一定的建设意义。
2.It is a well known fact that a language learners comprehension ability is far above his production ability (Brown, 1987).本文就外语学习者的理解能力 (comprehensionability)远远超过其外语的产出能力 (productionability)这一现象 ,在研究心理语言学关于语言的理解和产出及二语习得理论的基础上 ,特别是受到了Brown(1987)的语言的理解和产出能力及Smith(1981)的提高语法意识概念及思想的启发 ,结合Schmidt (1990 ,1994 ,1997)等关于noticing ,awareness的研究 ,提出了把提高学习者的学习意识落实到产出这一层面上的思想 ,并通过实际观察及实践 ,论证了这一学习策略在语法及词汇的学习上的必要性及可行性。
1.To Foster the comprehension in English-Teaching;英语教学中理解能力的培养
2.As the implementation of CET-4 reform,fast reading,as a new form of reading comprehension test,has become the weak point of many students.本文结合大学英语阅读教学,对快速阅读教学中如何提高学生的理解能力进行了探讨,并分析了影响学生快速阅读能力常见的不良习惯,阐述了在教学中如何加强快速阅读技巧的训练,以及在训练中需要注意的问题。
3.The paper first analyzes the reasons for inefficient reading which prevents students from reading with high speed and proper comprehension.全国大学英语四、六级考试实行新大纲以来,阅读理解的难度有所增加,如何提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力成了高校英语教师的科研重心。
6)Listening comprehension听力理解
1.Study on the influence of English speech sound changes on listening comprehension;浅析英语语音音变对听力理解的影响
2.Role of extra-linguistic schemata in FL listening comprehension;外语听力理解的超语言图式制约
3.Role of micro-language skills in listening comprehension;语言微技能在听力理解中的作用

赤力力1.亦作"赤历历"。 2.象声词。