1.An exploratory analysis of the psychological sense of inferiority of the librarians in colleges and universities;高校图书馆员自卑心理探析
2.Inferiority and Compensation——A Psychological Interpretation on the Characters in Pride and Prejudice自卑与补偿——对《傲慢与偏见》中人物的心理解读

1.For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.凡自高的必降为卑,自卑的必升为高。
2.He is self-abased because of unluck he meets with.他因遭不幸而自卑
3.If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.自卑时,我换上新装。
4.I should have been sulky and mean.其实,我应该阴沉而自卑
5.All people have low self-esteem, but it can not to be a partner of mine.自卑,每个人都有,但自卑不应成为我的伙伴。
6.For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.因为凡自高的必降为卑。自卑的必升为高。
7.What Life Should Mean to You--A research on inferiority based on Alfred Adler ' s individual psychology挑战自卑——由阿德勒的个体心理学谈自卑
8.Fly Dreams in the Mire: Freedom; Consciousness; Inferiority; Self-destruction;梦想在泥泞中放飞:自由·自觉·自卑·自毁
9.Be confident, but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest, but avoid the error of self-contempt.自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步;自谦要防止自卑自卑不能成功。
10.Self-humiliation,Self-strengthening and Self-confidence--An Analysis of Jane Eye’s Personality自卑——自强——自信——解析《简·爱》的人物性格
11.She has an inferiority complex about [because of] her bad complexion.她因自己的肤色不好而感到自卑
12.He felt himself very ignorant and humble.他感到自己很无知,很自卑
13.An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle .自卑心是最伤害自己的,是最大的障碍。
14.The Chinese people have confidence in themselves; They would get nowhere if they felt themselves inferior.中国人有自信心,自卑没有出路。
15.Some people are thinking too highly of themselves and eventually, it turns into self-inferiority.有的人太自负过头了,也会变成自卑喔!
16.A Study on the Inferiority of Self-teaching College Students;普通高校自考助学学生自卑心理研究
17.Survey on the Development of Self-respect and Inferiority Complex of Children;幼儿自尊心和自卑感发展的调查研究
18.Untie inferiority complex--Comparison and Inspiration of the inferiority complex of Alfred Adler and Osho;解开自卑的情结——阿德勒与奥修自卑情结比较及启示

1.Return to the Garden of Eden-Overstep Woman s self-abasement-Charlotte Bront■ and her "Jane Eyre;重返伊甸园:超越女性生存的自卑─—夏洛蒂·勃朗特和她的《简·爱》
2.The serious situation of the mental health of college students has made their self-abasement stronger and more dangerous.大学生严峻的心理健康状况强化了自卑心理及其危害程度。
3.The characteristics of kafkaesque s personality mechanism was fear and self-abasement.恐惧和自卑是卡夫卡人格机制的主要特征。
3)inferiority complex自卑
1.Tanchun generates the inferiority complex because she was bore of a concubine,uses the psychological compensation to ease the inferiority and plays the active role to surpass inferiority,which show her strong personal characteristic charm.自卑和补偿理论是阿德勒个性心理学的重要内容之一,本文试依这一理论分析《红楼梦》中贾探春的心理机制。
2.Yet analyzing her behavior and the immanent motivation,the author draws the conclusion that with her inevitable inferiority complexity and strong social influence,her revolt is full of weakness and passivity.但是分析她的行为以及背后的深层原因,会发现她是出于自卑而被动的反抗,同时因为无法摆脱世俗和社会的影响,她的反抗有很大的局限性。
3.Nowadays, the study of inferiority complex focuses on its essence, psychological system, symptoms and features at different age.自卑是人群中常见的一种个体心理现象 ,我国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准修订版 (CCMD - 2-R ,1994 )没有将自卑障碍单独列出 ,而只将其列为多种心理疾病和身心疾病的伴随障碍 ,因此对自卑的理论研究还不是很深入。
1.The Fault of Body and the Self-contempt of Writing;身体的卑下与写作中的自卑
2.Methods 5oo college students are separated into several groups for investigation by means of scl-90 self-evaluation, self-contempt trend questionnaire, and general information questionnaire.方法采用症状自评量表(scl-90)、自卑倾向问卷、一般情况调查表对500名在校大学生进行BMI分组调查。
3.Jane Eyre s life experience formes her distinctive character,which is a kind of deep self-contempt hidden behind high self-respect.简·爱的经历,形成了她高度自尊后面潜抑着深深的自卑这一独特的心理特征;而简的出走应该是一种宿命,是她自尊与自卑的性格事先决定了的,疯女人的存在只是为简的出走提供了契机;简的愤怒来自于出身地位的不平等和超越自卑的焦虑,实则是她心中自卑与自尊的较量。
1.Self-humiliation and Self-conceit——The Ambivalent Psychology of Qing Emperors;在“自卑”与“自大”之间——清帝民族认同中的矛盾心态论析
6)Inferiority and Depression自卑自闭

谦下自卑【谦下自卑】  谓比丘入大众中,常用谦和,永绝憍慢,应自卑下,如拭尘巾,是为谦下自卑。