1.Through the management and teaching practice of colleges and universities for many years, the author puts forward some measures to strengthen the self-cultivation in order to improve management level of colleges and universities teaching.通过多年高校教学管理实践,提出了加强自身修养,提高高校教学管理水平的几点措施。
2.This paper expounds the importance of strengthening the professional ethic of editors, points out that improving the self-cultivation is the key to strengthen the professional ethic of editors, and advances some measures for strengthening the professional ethic of editors.阐述了加强编辑职业道德的重要性,指出提高自身修养是加强编辑职业道德的关键,提出了加强编辑自身修养的措施。
3.So the college advisers must improve themselves in term of self-cultivation frist,and try to influence students with their personality charm and help them to build their own personality charm.使学生的思想呈多元化状态,因而对辅导员从事的学生思想教育工作提出了新的要求;辅导员必须加强自身修养,以自身的人格魅力去影响、感染、塑造学生。

1.Intensify Self-Cultivation and Develop Proper Perception of Values;加强自身修养 培养正确的价值观
2.On Strengthening Teachers Personal Growth and Arousing Students Interest in Physical Education;加强教师自身修养 激发学生体育兴趣
3.Strengthening Self-cultivation to Improve Management Level of Colleges and Universities Teaching;加强自身修养 提高高校教学管理水平
4.To Enhance the Student Supervisors Self-cultivation and Improve Their Comprehensive Diathesis;加强辅导员自身修养 提高辅导员综合素质
5.Inheriting the essence of the Chinese traditional culture and strengthening the self-cultivation of the leading cadres;继承中国传统文化精髓,加强领导干部自身修养
6.Looking at Necessity of Strengthening Self-mastery of Patty Cadres According to Mao Zedong s Style of Self-discipline;从毛泽东的自律作风看党员干部加强自身修养的必要性
7.Inspiration of Confucius morality cultivation to students of teachers colleges;孔子修身思想对高校师范生自我修养的启示
8.She cultivated her mind by reading.她以阅读来修身养性。
9.I develop in myself what is good, and I seek to correct what is evil, by overcoming it in myself.培养自身的善,克服自身的恶,加以匡正。
10.The Inspiration of Confucian Thoughts on Cultivating Moral Character of Science and Technology Talents儒家的修身思想对科技人才道德修养的启示
11.Study on the traditional outlook of Self-cultivation and the Accomplishment of party spirit for students关于传统修身观与大学生党性修养的研究
12.She comes from a very artistic family.她出身于很有艺术修养的家庭.
13.The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple.老和尚在寺庙中修身养性。
14.Devoting ourselves to the practice of " Three Represents" and trying hard to raise accomplishment in the Party spirit;躬身实践“三个代表” 努力提高党性修养
15.On Zeng Guofan's Thought on Education of Personality Based on Self-cultivation曾国藩修身养性的人格教育思想探析
16.Some of these young chaps are so busy contemplating their own navels they don't realize there's a world going on about them.这些小青年中的一些人只顾着自己修身养性,他们意识不到在他们的周围世界正在发生着变化。
17.It helps enhance the students' speech-input effect and improve the quality of Chinese teaching for teachers to strive for having a good mastery of language.汉语教师努力提高自身的语言修养有利于提高学生的语言输入效果,有利于提高汉语教学质量。
18.the natural process by which the body repairs itself.肢体自身修复的一种自然过程。

the self-cultivation of the leaders领导自身修养
3)subject self-cultivation主体自身修养
4)self-restraint and moral education修身养德
5)balance of physical and spiritual health修身养心
6)To promote conduct and practise ethics养性修身
