1.Construction,transcend and realization——Survey on value change of The Communist Manifesto from a technical path vision建构、超越与实现——从技术路径视阈审视《共产党宣言》的价值嬗变
2.Calligraphy history research should under-line research on idea, vision and methods because the researcher’s ‘expected vision’ will decide his se-lection and intrepretation of the historical materials, and will decide what he cannot see and what he sees clearly.本文认为书法史研究必须注重研究理念、研究视阈和研究方法,因为研究者研究的"期待视野"会决定我们对史料的取舍和解读,也必将决定研究者的"不见"和"洞见",从某种意义上说,书法史的研究其实也是一个不断"视域融合"的过程。

1.Women TV Talk Shows under the Feminist Perspective女性主义视阈下的女性电视谈话节目
2.The Scientific Concept of Development as China s Publishing Threshold under the Development Research;科学发展观视阈下中国出版发展研究
3.The Folk Ceremony s Transition in the View of State and Society;“国家与社会”视阈下的民间仪式变迁
4.On the Construction of a Harmonious Rural Power Pattern in the Visual Angle of "Good Governance";“善治”视阈下和谐农村权力格局之建构
5.An Analysis of National Identity in the Perspectives of Constructivism;建构主义视阈下国家身份问题的研究
6.Research on the Work of the United Front under the Scientific Outlook on Development;论科学发展观视阈下的统一战线工作
7.Bioethics as the Apparent Threshold of Food Safety in China;生命伦理视阈中的中国食品安全问题
8.On the Moral Responsibility Education under Non-standpoint Angle;论“无立场”视阈下的道德责任教育
9.Shakespeare s the Tempest in the Vision of Ecocriticism;生态批评视阈下莎士比亚的《暴风雨》
10.Recent Years Domestic Film with Good Box Office Within Consumer Culture;消费文化视阈中的近年国产票房电影
11.Martin Buber s Language View in the Visual Threshold of Relation Philosophy;马丁·布伯关系哲学视阈下的语言观
12.On "Humanist" within the View of Scientific Development;略论科学发展观视阈下的“以人为本”
13.On Chinese Life Education under the Vision of Philosophy Hermeneutic;论哲学解释学视阈下的语文生命教育
14.Inspects of Zhang Chengzhi s Literature Creation in the Islam Cultural Context;伊斯兰文化视阈中的张承志文学创作
15.An Ecologist Look into Willa Cather s Early Works;生态主义视阈下的薇拉·凯瑟早期创作
16.The Research on Psychological Methodology from the View of Philosophy of Science;科学哲学视阈下的心理学方法论研究
17.A Study of Pupil Culture in the Angle of Student Life Development;学生生命发展视阈下的学生文化研究
18.Study in Chinese Teaching of Middle School in the Educational Visual Threshold of the Life;生命教育视阈中中学语文教学的研究

1.This paper reviews and reconsiders the culture backgrounds and realistic position of female images portrayed by male and female directors along the process of 100-year Chinese film industry history through the perspective of occidental film theory, and analyses the history backgrounds and the sexual experience of male and female directors, which causes the differences of them.本文通过考察百年中国电影史上的重要现象和历史进程,借鉴西方电影理论成果来理解和透视中国女性电影的文化意蕴和现实处境,对男女导演镜头下女性形象塑造进行一番梳理,并探究形成男女导演不同视阈的历史文化以及性别体验等深层原因。
3)ecology perspective生态视阈
4)fusion of horizon视阈融合
1.Hermeneutic translation studies in China show an apparent tendency of approaching translation issues from three major philosophical hermeneutic principles, historical interpretation, fusion of horizons and effected history.我国译学界的阐释学翻译研究多从哲学阐释学的“理解的历史性”、“效果历史”以及“视阈融合观”三个主要方面分析和解释翻译现象,强调文本的开放性和译者阐释的多样性,但却忽略了阐释学可能带来的负面影响,即翻译学科界限日渐模糊,文本阐释有效性被置换,以及因相对主义绝对化而导致的价值虚无主义盛行。
5)threshold visual field阈值视野
1.Risk factors and central threshold visual field damage in 500 cases with glaucoma;青光眼500例的危险因素与中心阈值视野的损害
6)visual field threshold视野阈值
1.The visual field thresholds were regularly taken in the computer,and the correlations of the point by point visual field thresholds and the .将视野阈值按顺序输入计算机中 ,采用SAS V8。

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