1.The Correction of the Original Idea of Xiao on Chinese People s Psychology and Behavior;论儒家原孝对国民心理和行为的匡正
2.Therefore,the correction of official morality has become the important part in the building of an incorruptive government.匡正官德已经成为建设廉政文化的重要内容,加强官德建设,匡正失范官德不但需要依靠制度和监督的约束,而且需要运用政治信念的内化力量,通过官员的道德践履来弘扬共产党人的官德。

1.correct an abuse匡正时弊,纠正陋习
2.The correction of Zi Hui by Zheng Zi Tong and the related problems;《正字通》对《字汇》的匡正及存在的问题
3.I develop in myself what is good, and I seek to correct what is evil, by overcoming it in myself.培养自身的善,克服自身的恶,加以匡正
4.Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata.要求读者根据勘误表匡正
5.The Correction of the Original Idea of Xiao on Chinese People s Psychology and Behavior;论儒家原孝对国民心理和行为的匡正
6.On Researching Pragmatic Differences between English and Chinese and Correcting Student s Errors;英汉语用差异比较与学生“错误”匡正
7.The Confucian idea of Xiao:A Distorted Cicil Law Relation and Being Rectified孝道:一种民事法律关系的扭曲及匡正
8.Wherever there is injustice, we try to help.凡有不公正的地方, 我们都竭力相助匡正.
9.To Face Material Desires And To Modify Greed--On Material Desires in Sanyan and Erpai;物欲的正视与贪欲的匡正——《三言》、《二拍》物欲观论析
10.seek legal redress for unfair dismissal对不合理的解雇一事提起诉讼以求匡正
11.Research on the Origin and Rectification Strategy of Audit Judgment Bias in Cognitive Psychology;审计判断偏误的认知心理探源及匡正策略研究
12.The Pathological Change and Correction of Relation Between Modern Government and Citizens;论现代政府与公民关系的嬗变及其匡正
13.Whole Ecological Value--The Complement and Adjusting to the Value Direction of Economic Law;整体生态价值——经济法域价值取向之匡正与补充
14.The Criticism and Rectification of the book Baimiao Paint on Guizhou Annals·Miao Annals(The Second Half Part);《百苗图》对《贵州通志·苗蛮志》(乾隆)的批判与匡正(下)
15.Criticism and Rectification of the Book Baimiao Paint to Guizhou Annals·Miao Annals;《百苗图》对(乾隆)《贵州通志·苗蛮志》的批判与匡正(上)
16.Contribution of Yu Yue to Philology On Rectification of Er Shan Lu to Origin of Chinese Characters;俞樾对文字学的贡献 简评《儿笘录》对《说文》的匡正
17.On the Narrative Techniques of Contemporary Movies in China;匡正倾斜的叙事——当下中国电影叙事透视
18.The Principle of Talk About the Athletics Course Reform Deviation Corrects with the Realization of the Target;论体育课程改革偏差理念的匡正与目标的实现

Rational rectify理性匡正
1.The Interpretation of YanShigu s Study on Language and Characters from KuangmiuZhengsu;從《匡谬正俗》看颜师古的语言文字研究
4)To make right existing evils匡正时弊
5)sociology rectification社会学匡正
6)recovery and restoration恢复与匡正
