1.Rousseau s thoughts on physical education in Emile still possess an important research value for the practical life.《爱弥儿》中所体现的卢梭的体育思想,在现实生活中仍具有很重要的研究价值。
2.The evidences are from Rousseau s famous work Emile.卢梭的自然主义主张是不彻底的,具有威权主义的痕迹,这个痕迹明显地表现在他的著作《爱弥儿》一书中。
3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau\'s masterpiece Emile ou de L \'education is a pedagogic fiction about a child, named Emile, who is educated naturally by a tutor from infant time to adulthood.《爱弥儿》是法国教育思想家卢梭的一部代表作,卢梭通过叙述爱弥儿从出生到成人的受教育过程,塑造一个独特的教师形象。

1.By this time Emil had lost all his timidity.这时,爱弥儿变得一点也不拘束了。
2."Are you coming out?" Emil asked impatiently.“你出来一下好吗?”爱弥儿焦急不安地说。
3.Emil said teasingly,"What's the matter with you?"爱弥儿开玩笑地说:“你这是怎么了?”
4."He wouldn't hurt you, Emil." said Carl persuasively.“他不会伤害你的,爱弥儿,”卡尔宽慰道。
5.Carl and Emil went up to the Catholic fair.卡尔和爱弥儿去赶天主教庙会了。
6.Rousseau s View on Women s Education From Emile;从《爱弥儿》看卢梭的女子教育思想
7.Emil's fraternity rather prided itself upon its dances.爱弥儿的友爱在舞会上充分地显示了出来。
8.He slapped Emil on the back as he caught step with him.他紧走一步赶上前去,在爱弥儿的背上捶了一下。
9.Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously.爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。
10.She cried in distress,"oh, Emil, why did you do?"她忧伤地惊叫道:“哦,爱弥儿,你为什么这样做?”
11.J.J. Rousseau s Theory of Natural Education and Its Inspiration to Preschool Education--Impression of Reading Emile ou De l education;卢梭自然教育理论及其对幼儿教育的启示——读《爱弥儿》有感
12."No. I'd be too scared to run," Emil admitted mournfully, twisting his fingers.“不,我吓得跑不动了,”爱弥儿难过地说,一边捻着他的手指头。
13.Emil smiled tolerantly and stood looking down at her with his old, brooding gaze.爱弥儿宽容地微笑着,站在那里,用他那双深沉忧郁的眼睛凝视着她。
14.She was always sending Emil over to spade or plant or carpenter for Marie.她常常打发爱弥儿过去帮玛丽锄草,种树或做家俱。
15.On Rousseau s Naturalist Educational Theory;卢梭自然主义教育理论及理性思考——读《爱弥儿》有感
16.Emil stood looking down at her, holding his shoulders stiff and stiffening the arm to which she clung.爱弥儿站在那里,低头望着她,他的双肩是那么的强健,她依靠的那只胳膊是那么有力。
17.When he saw Emil, Amedee waved to him and called to one of his cousins to take the reins.一看到爱弥儿,亚米迪就连忙向他挥手,同时叫他的一个堂兄弟接过马缰绳。
18.She drove to the Lindell Hotel, where she had stayed two years ago when she came up for Emil's commencement.她乘车来到了林德尔旅馆,两年前,她去参加爱弥儿的学位授予典礼,曾在那里经过。

1.Rousseau s View on Women from Emile;从《爱弥儿》看卢梭的女子观
2.This paper,by analyzing the viewpoints reflected in the fifth volume of Rousseau s Emile,tries to indicate his natural difference idea of feminism based on male-dominated belief in order to help the development of the contemporary western feminism movement.本文通过对卢梭在《爱弥儿》第五卷中流露的女性观点的梳理分析,试图揭示卢梭在他的男权制思想基础上的自然差别女性观,并通过分析其与女性主义理论的复杂关系,以期对指导当代西方女性主义的运动发展有所帮助。
1.The Reconstruction of Amy Denver, the Marginalized Young White Woman解构《宠儿》中被忽略的边缘化白人女性:爱弥·丹芙
4)love of children儿童之爱
1.Her philosophy of love consists of three parts: maternal love, love of children and love of nature.其“爱的哲学”,主要由母爱、儿童之爱和自然之爱所构成。
5)take good care of children; bring up children with loving care爱护儿童
6)f a baby爱抚婴儿

爱弥儿【《爱弥儿》】 法国杰出的启蒙思想家卢梭的重要著作。写于1757年,1762年第一次在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹出版,轰动了整个法国和西欧一些资产阶级国家,影响巨大。在此书中,卢梭通过对他所假设的教育对象爱弥儿的教育,来反对封建教育制度,阐述他的资产阶级教育思想。卢梭的教育思想是从他的自然人性观出发的。他认为,人生来是自由、平等的;在自然状态下,人人都享受着这一天赋的权利,只是在人类进入文明状态之后,才出现人与人之间的不平等、特权和奴役现象,从而使人失掉了自己的本性。为了改变这种不合理状况,他主张对儿童进行适应自然发展过程的“自然教育”,以培养资产阶级理性王国的“新人”。卢梭的所谓自然教育,就是要服从自然的永恒法则,听任人的身心的自由发展,其手段就是生活和实践,主张采用实物教学和直观教学的方法,让孩子从生活和实践的切身体验中,通过感官的感受去获得他所需要的知识。与自然教育密切相联的,卢梭还主张对儿童进行劳动教育和自由、平等、博爱的教育,使之学会谋生的手段,及早地养成支配自己的自由和体力的能力,保持自然的习惯。全书共分五卷,卢梭根据儿童的年龄提出了对不同年龄阶段的儿童进行教育的原则、内容和方法。如逐步上升进行的体育教育、感官教育、智育教育、德育教育、爱情教育。这种分阶段进行教育的思想,无疑是一大进步,但这种分期以及把德、智、体教育的截然分开施教的方法是不科学的。