1.The paper analyzes the hierarchy of enterprise developing circular economy and the strategy in the enterprise practice.本文重点分析了企业在发展循环经济中的层次性以及企业在实践过程中的策略性问题。
2.It mainly brings forword that media choosing of products advertisement is not decided by simple working experience, but by many factors including commodity characteristics, advertising expression characteristics, target consumer, and competitive strategy, etc.通过对目前产品广告媒体的运用、以及广告受众的现实情况的分析 ,提出产品选择何种广告媒体并非受简单的作业经验所决定 ,而是要受包括商品特性、广告诉求特性、目标消费者、竞争策略等多种因素的影响 ,因此必须有系统的设计思想 ,策略性的从整体上加以把握 ,才能达到较佳的传播效

1.strategic planning and policy development策略性规划及政策制定
2.Strategic Planning & Training Division策略性规划及培训署
3.Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme [SSDS]策略性污水排放计划
4.Strategic Trade Enforcement Group策略性行业执行小组
5.strategic data-planning methodology策略性数据规划方法论
6.Strategic Public Relation: Tactical Analysis in Uplifting the Enterprise Soft Power战略公关—提升企业“软实力”策略性分析
7.Tactics of Solving Problems in Senior Mathematics and Teaching of Tactical Knowledge;高中数学解题策略与策略性知识的教学
8.Research on Motivations of Lexis and Vocabulary Learning Strategies;词的理据性和词汇习得的策略性探究
9.linear-input form strategy in resolution解析中线性输入型策略
10.Adaptive signal control strategy适应性号志控制策略
11.Active Portfolio Strategy积极性投资组合策略
12.Windows 2000 System s Security Tactics;Windows2000系统的安全性策略
13.The Adaptive Existence of Design Strategy from Science;战略性产品语言:产品语言的策略还原
14.A Correlated Study on Business English Reading and Vocabulary Strategies;商务英语阅读策略和词汇策略相关性研究
15.Contrarian and Momentum Strategies in the China "A" Shares Stock Market;中国股票市场反转策略与惯性策略的实证研究
16.Profitability of Momentum Strategies and Contrarian Strategies in China Stock Markets;中国股市动量策略和反向策略的赢利性
17.Research on Concurrency Control Based-on Multi-strategy in GIS and Performance TestGIS中多策略并发控制策略及其性能测试
18.On the Flexible Thinking of the "Three-Forms" from the Strategies of the Strategists in the Warring States Period;战国策士策略“三态”中的水性思维

3)tactical solution决策性策略
1.This paper also introduced structural and/or tactical solution, and analyzed ⅩⅩ Biscuit s efforts on the bullwhip effect.并且对其所采取的对策从结构性策略和决策性策略两个层面做了框架分析,指出仅仅依靠决策性策略无法完全解决由于供应链本身组织结构和产品特征所导致的内生的牛鞭效应。
4)momentum strategy惯性策略
1.Empirical Analysis on Momentum Strategy in Chinese Stock Market;中国股市惯性策略的实证研究
5)policy attribute策略属性
6)linearity strategy线性策略

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-