1.There is a common characteristic for fade-in, fade-out and dissolve, and it is a linear gradual process in shot change.淡入、淡出和消隐的共同特点是两个镜头之间的切换一个渐变的线性过程。
2.The fundamental principle of achieving the fade-out and fade-in of the computer image and an algorithm for its realization are presented.本文阐述了计算机图像淡出、淡入效果实现的基本原理以及实现的具体算法,对淡出、淡入、时出现“雪花”现象也提出了解决的办法,为更好地实现计算机图像、美化人机接口等提供了一种有效方法。

1.Genuineness results from simplicity: brief discussion on the simplicity and genuineness of Tao yuanming s poems;平淡出真知——小释陶渊明诗的平淡自然
2.Simplification and Diversification of Chinese Martial Arts;试论中华武术的“淡出”和“深入”
3.A Study of the Currency Policy of China;“逐渐淡出”状态下的货币政策取向研究
4.THE PEDESTRIAN COMES FROM THE NATURAL --Analysis of Tao Yuan-ming s "Natural" Mentality;平淡出于自然——陶渊明“自然”心态解析
5.His face wore a faint smile.他的脸上现出一丝淡淡的微笑。
6.(of actors,etc)speak(words)in a deliberately casual way(指演员等)有意淡淡地说出(台词)
7.The painting glowed with beautiful autumn tints.这幅油画映现出美丽的淡淡的秋色。
8.The lamp threw out a dim light.灯发出暗淡的亮光。
9.The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill.用膳的人们闻出一点小茴香的淡淡的香味。
10.To emit a dim or intermittent light.发出微光发出暗淡或柔和的光
11.I can still read the gray names.我还认得出那些暗淡的名字。
12.A boldness parks in the cool flat eyes那冷淡的眼睛中闪现出挑逗的火花。
13.The lips of the cut had come together and were filled with new pink flesh.口子已经愈合,长出了淡红色的新肉。
14.a rather routine(ie ordinary,undistinguished) performance很一般的(平淡无奇的)演出.
15.It was then observable that the substance was greenish.这时可以看出那种东西是淡绿色的。
16.There is a noticeable coolness in his manner.在他的举止中表现出一种明显的冷淡。
17.with (a studied) nonchalance(故意装出) 冷淡地,无动于衷地
18.My wish of going abroad to study English damped down.我想出国学英语的愿望渐渐地淡漠了。

fade out淡出
3)fade-in and fade-out淡入淡出
1.Summary of fade-in and fade-out technologies in multimedia courseware;多媒体课件中淡入淡出技术综述
5)phase out逐步淡出
6)Intense emotion of激情淡出
