1.To Build a Four-Combination Youth Education Blogosphere Learning Community Based on Social Software;基于社会性软件的青少年四结合教育博客圈学习共同体的建构与实践
2.Three blogospheres from Sina,Sohu and Bullog were chosen.博客圈是由不同博客之间链接、引用、评论、留言所形成的一个复杂的网络,是社会网络的一种新的表现形式,它映射出了人与人之间的一种社会关系,这一新型的社会关系正引起人们越来越多的关注。
3.By introducing how the blog and blogosphere help teachers in education narration, learning community, instruction management and assessment, this paper researches on whether the blog promotes the teacher profession development in terms of knowledge, ability, emotion, constructivism, criticism and reflection.0工具开始大行其道,而博客无疑是其中最不容忽视的软件之一,博客圈是博客发展到一定阶段的产物,也是本研究重点关注的对象。

1.An Approach of Blogshpere Construction by Using Bloggers′ Interests一种利用作者兴趣构建博客圈的方法
2.The left-wing blogosphere regularly berates her for destroying true Democratic values.左派任务经常在博客圈中斥责她破坏了民主价值。
3.Not long ago, a" Parents of12 th Graders" blogring? generated tens of millions of hits, further attracting society's attention to this community.前不久,网上一个“高三家长博客圈”激起万千人气,更使得全社会都在关注这个群体。
4.To Build a Four-Combination Youth Education Blogosphere Learning Community Based on Social Software;基于社会性软件的青少年四结合教育博客圈学习共同体的建构与实践
5.Analysis on the Characters of Information Communication on Crisis Communication--Take Type A H1N1 Influenza for Example科学博客圈在危机传播中的信息传播特色分析——以“甲型H1N1流感”事件为例
6.Today I saw your message in our blog and linked your blog in it!Th u v m!今天看到你的留言了,我把你的博客做了圈圈的链接,谢谢!
7.The Reasons for Blogging and No Blogging of Public Library试论公共图书馆博客与不博客的理由
8.Mining Weblogger s Interests and Study on Informative and Affective Weblog Content;博客作者兴趣挖掘与博客信息、情感分析的研究
9.Obligations and Law Liability of Blog Sites in the Blog Infringement Dispute;博客网站在博客侵权纠纷中的义务与法律责任
10.A Clear Thinking toward the Prosperity of Blog:A Disseminative Understanding of News Blog;博客“热”的“冷”思考——对新闻博客的传播学解读
11.Data Feature Extraction of Blogs and Filtering of Splogs Based on Classification博客数据特征提取与基于分类的垃圾博客过滤
12.A Blog-profile based Normalization Strategy for Blog Opinion Retrieval基于博客背景的博客倾向性检索归一化策略
13.Blog-based Deep Learning:A Case Study of Suzhou Education Blog基于博客的深度学习研究——以苏州教育博客为例
14.The Blog Culture Is Not the Gambling on the Edge of the Law--Discussion about the Legislation on Blog博客文化不应是法律边缘的博弈——探讨网络博客的立法问题
16.Study on the Integration of Highway Passenger Transportation in Wuhan City Circle;武汉城市圈道路旅客运输一体化研究
17.Regional coordination and game analysis of Chengdemian economic circle;构建成德绵经济圈的区域协调与博弈分析
18.The Analysis on the Game of the Governments of Governing in the Area of Jing-jin-ji Metropolitan;京津冀都市圈管治中政府间行为博弈分析

1.The uniqueness of information dissemination in blogsphere is characterized as publishing before correcting.博客圈信息发布流程的特点是先出版、后过滤,博客圈存在着信息自我修正的内在机制,这些内在机制包括两个方面:一种是横向的非强制性的校正,主要通过博客间的互动来实施,如读者对博客的指正和博客间信息的相互比较和对抗、当事人的直接回应等;另一种是纵向的,带有强制性的校正,主要是博客网站为规避法律责任而进行的主动屏蔽和删除行为。
3)science blog circle科学博客圈
1.0,science blog circle has fully played the role of"the fourth medium"in the Health and safety incidents of"Type A H1 N1 influenza".0的产物,科学博客圈在"甲型H1N1流感"卫生安全事件中充分发挥出"第四媒体"效应。
1.Compared with the retail-style report, this paper discusses both the advantages of the blogger-personal style with the on-spot report and the its limits in multi-perspective and progression report.亲历式报道是博客(blogger)独家报道的主要形式之一。
2.Hacker, Blogger, and Flasher, all new genres of art coming with the application of computers and network technology, confirm with their respective values such ideas as postmodernism, minimalism and conceptualism.黑客艺术、博客艺术与闪客艺术都是伴随计算机与网络技术的应用而出现的艺术新品。
1.Postgraduate Medical Literature Retrieval Teaching on Blog;基于博客的研究生医学文献检索辅助教学
2.Educational blog—A new area of teachers development;教育博客—教师成长的新天地
1.Focus on Quality:On the Change of Development of Chinese Weblog;以质取胜:试论中国博客发展方向的变革
2.On Humanistic Approach in Education——Weblog s Educational Application;教育的人本主义取向——浅谈博客的教育应用
3.Mining Weblogger s Interests and Study on Informative and Affective Weblog Content;博客作者兴趣挖掘与博客信息、情感分析的研究
