1.Analysizing on the causes of customs revenue increasing from Western Zhou Dynasty to Qin and Han Dynasty,the following three perspectives were necessary:the greater and greater incidence of taxation,the more and more barriers,the higher and higher tariff rate.考察封建国家关税收入增长的原因,不可忽视以下三个重要因素,即关税征收范围的扩大、关卡的增设以及关税税率的提高。

1.Going through Immi- gration and Customs通过移民局关卡和海关
2.Gate conditionality does not mitigate the adverse effect of gate review criteria.关卡制约性不会减少关卡评价标准的反作用。
3.All forward traffic had been stalled at the control.关卡前头的汽车都停住了。
4.tariff cartel关税同盟,关税卡特尔
5.On the Legal Relationship between Credit Card Issuers and Cardholders;也论信用卡发卡行与持卡人之间的法律关系
6.He told the story about the Dragon Boat Festival,他向卡卡介绍了有关端午节的情况,
7.Of or relating to the Carthusian order.卡尔特教派的,与卡尔特教派有关的
8.Research on Legal Issues about Multifunctional Smart Card;智能IC卡“一卡多用”相关法律问题研究
9.relating to or in the manner of Franz Kafka or his writings.关于弗兰茨·卡夫卡或其作品的,或具有卡夫卡或其作品风格的。
10.Of, relating to, or characteristic of Franz Kafka or his writings.(有关)卡夫卡或其作品的;具有卡夫卡或其作品风格的
11.of or concerning Qatar.属于或关于卡塔尔的。
12."When the cassette is inserted, press the cassette holder lightly to close it until it clicks."装入卡带后,轻轻地按上卡带架,把它关好至听到一声卡嗒声响。
13.of or relating to Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) or its people or culture.属于或关于斯里兰卡(原来是锡兰)、斯里兰卡人或斯里兰卡文化的。
14.The Bianconeri are also looking at Defensor Montevideo defender Martin Caceres and Edison Cavani of Danubio Montevideo.斑马军团同样关注的还有卡切雷斯和卡瓦尼。
15.Of or relating to the philosophy or methods of Descartes.笛卡尔的笛卡尔的哲学或方法的或与之相关的
16.Of or relating to the Tuscan order.托斯卡纳柱型的属于或关于托斯卡纳柱型的
17.Research on a Correlation Model for a Bankcard Network's Price Structure and Bankcard Consumption;银行卡网络价格结构与刷卡消费关联模型研究
18.Examining the existent "Kua Fu"--On aesthetic solicitude of Franz Kafka s novels;追问存在的“夸父”——卡夫卡小说的审美关怀

3)barrier,customs barrier海关关卡
5)barrier option关卡期权
1.The pricing of a new kind of option, barrier option, is discussed in this paper.讨论了一种新型期权———关卡期权的定价问题。
6)checkpoint control关卡调控
1.The conclusion included the micro mechanisms of cell cycle regulation centres on cyclin-CDKs and the checkpoint control of functional factors on CKI,ATM,p53,Rb .通过对真核生物细胞增殖过程中细胞周期调控的分析 ,归纳综合了以cyclin -CDK复合物为核心的细胞周期调控分子机制和以CKI、ATM、p5 3、Rb等为作用因子的关卡调控 。

关卡 关卡——  一般将整数位或黄金分割位或股民习惯上的心理价位称之为关卡。