1.The Compare Analysis on Construction Farm of Qinghai Hua er and Layi ;青海“花儿”和“拉伊”整体结构形式的对比分析
2.This article rests on the ethomusicology and the music anthropology correlation theories and the method,“Layi”carried on seven times to the Qinghai Province Huang Nazhou Tongren County area Tibetan national minority in the local inheritance and the development present situation, altogether 63 day-long on-the-spot investigation.本文依据民族音乐学及音乐人类学相关理论和方法,对青海省黄南州同仁县地区藏族“拉伊”在当地的传承与发展现状进行了七次、共历时63天的实地调查。
2)La Guaira拉瓜伊拉
3)Laguary cotton拉瓜伊拉棉
1.Iraq War and World's Petroleum Situation;伊拉克战争与世界石油形势
2.Oil and gas resources of Iraq and their influence on China s energy security strategy;伊拉克石油资源状况及其对中国能源安全战略的影响
3.Three Dimensions of Understanding Political Developments In Post-war Iraq;伊拉克战后政治发展的三个纬度

1.On the Relations Between Iran and Iraq After Iraq War;论伊拉克战争后的伊朗与伊拉克关系
2.of or relating to Iraq or its people or culture.属于或关于伊拉克伊拉克人、伊拉克文化的。
3.Islamic Action in Iraq伊拉克伊斯兰行动组织
4.Analysis on Iran’s Foreign Policy toward Iraq;试析伊拉克战争后伊朗对伊拉克的外交政策
5.Winterrization Programme - Northern Iraq伊拉克北部防寒方案
6.official Iraqi military spokesman伊拉克官方军事发言人
7.UN Security Council and Iraq联合国安理会和伊拉克
8.Iraq National Oil Co.伊拉克国家石油公司
9.United Nations Mission to Iraq联合国伊拉克特派团
10.Voice of Kurds库尔德族之声报(伊拉克)
11.The situation in Iraq has turned sour.伊拉克的局势已趋恶化。
12."Iraqi aggression in the Persian Gulf"“伊拉克在波斯湾的侵略”
13.Treaty of Alliance Between United Kingdom and Iraq英国-伊拉克同盟条约
14.The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Nothern Iraq; We must combat the prejudices against other races; they battled over the budget.库尔德人正在伊拉克北部抗击伊拉克军队。
15.Iraq said that sanctions have caused the death of 1.73 million Iraqi people伊拉克称制裁已造成173万伊拉克人死亡
16.United Nations Office of the Secretary-General in Iraq联合国秘书长驻伊拉克办事处(驻伊拉克办事处)
17.Syria denies helping Iraq or its fleeing officials.叙利亚否认有援助伊拉克或逃亡的伊拉克官员。
18.US Predicament in Iraq and Legacies of Iraq War;美国的伊拉克困局及伊拉克战争的遗产

La Guaira拉瓜伊拉
3)Laguary cotton拉瓜伊拉棉
1.Iraq War and World's Petroleum Situation;伊拉克战争与世界石油形势
2.Oil and gas resources of Iraq and their influence on China s energy security strategy;伊拉克石油资源状况及其对中国能源安全战略的影响
3.Three Dimensions of Understanding Political Developments In Post-war Iraq;伊拉克战后政治发展的三个纬度
1.The neuroprotection effect of edaravone on spinal cord injury in rats;伊达拉奉对大鼠脊髓损伤后的神经保护作用
2.Objective To evaluate the neuroprotective effect and possible mechanisms of edaravone(3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) in neonatal Harlequin(Hq) mutant mice brain after hypoxia-ischemia brain injury(HIBD) insult.目的研究伊达拉奉(3-甲基-1苯基-2-吡唑啉-5-酮)对新生Harlequin(Hq)小鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤(HIBD)的神经保护作用及可能机制。
1.Effects of tetrandrine on left ventricular developed pressure,left ventricular compliance and (+)[~3H]isradipine binding sites in ischemic rat hearts;粉防己碱对大鼠缺血心脏左室发展压,顺应性及(+)[~3H]伊拉地平结合位点的影响(英文)
2.The method for determining the content of residual solvents ethanol,dichloromethane,ethyl acetate,pyridine in isradipine by headspace capillary gas chromatography was developed with a good linearity.建立测定伊拉地平中有机溶剂乙醇、二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、吡啶残留量的顶空毛细管柱气相色谱法。

拉伊,A.S.  孟加拉语作家。出生在奥里萨邦的滕加纳尔地区。青年时曾在英国留学,写成第一部作品《路宿》,泰戈尔把这部趣味横生的游记介绍给《五光十色》杂志于1927至1930年连载。后在迈门辛地区任市政官。他长期侨居国外,不少作品以欧洲为背景。著有长篇小说《真伪》(1932),短篇小说集《心之风》,文学评论集《青春》(1928)、《我们》(1937)、《生活的艺术》(1941)、《暗号》(1943)、《空间、时间、人物》(1949)、《信任》(1951)等。    1962年他的游记《在日本》获得印度文学院奖。