专业发展学校,Professional Development School
1)Professional Development School专业发展学校
1.A Review of Professional Development School in the U.S:Chinese Researchers Perspectives;我国学者对美国专业发展学校的研究述评
2.PDS(Professional Development School) is one of the popular patterns to promote teacher s professional development through cooperation of university,elementary and middle schools in USA.专业发展学校是美国目前流行的大学与中小学合作办学以促进教师专业发展的一种模式。
3.The American professional development schools and English school-based teacher training are exemplary of the reform,reflecting the tendency to meet the need of elementary education.美国的专业发展学校和英国的校本教师培训就是这种改革的产物,它们所反映的面向中小学实际需要的教师教育观,在一定程度上代表了未来教师教育的发展方向。

1.Professional Development Schools-the New Impetus of the American Teachers Professional Development;教师专业发展学校——美国教师专业发展的新动力
2.The forming and development of American professional development school;美国教师专业发展学校的形成与发展
3.Professional Development School and the New Trend of Teacher Education in USA;专业发展学校与美国教师教育的发展
4.American Professional Development Schools-Experience and Enlightenment;美国教师专业发展学校:经验与启示
5.Analysis of the United States Professional Development Schools;美国教师教育有效举措:专业发展学校
6.The Collaboration Process in American Professional Development Schools;美国专业发展学校中的“合作问题”
7.A Teacher Professional Development Mode Based on collaboration--Probe into the American Professional Development Schools Collaborative Operation Mode;基于合作的教师专业发展模式——美国专业发展学校(PDS)合作模式探究
8.Secondary Vocational School Mathematics Teacher Professional Development Research;中等职业学校数学教师专业发展研究
9.Research on Development Strategy of Yibin Vocational High School of Commerce;宜宾商业职业中专学校发展战略研究
10.On the Professional Development of Principals of Primary and Middle Schools and Specialized Training Work;论中小学校长专业化发展与培训工作专业化
11.A Study on School-based Teaching Research in Professional Development of Teachers;教师专业发展中的校本教学研究探析
12.A Commentary on the CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education in America;美国高校学生事务发展专业标准述评
13.Reflective Teaching and Professional Development of College English Teachers;反思性教学与高校教师自我专业发展
14.The Study of Developing Strategy of Geological Engineering Discipline and Specialty at Anhui University;我校地质工程学科专业发展战略研究
15.Specialization and Grouping of Journals of Colleges and Universities;高校学报专业化、集团化发展的设想
16.Research and Discussion on Construction and Development of Subjects and Majors in Private Colleges and Universities;民办高校学科、专业建设和发展的探讨
17.Frustrations in the Development of Art Vocational Secondary Schools and Their Countermeasures艺术类职业中专学校发展困惑与对策
18.The New Vision of Teacher Professional Development:the Strategy of School Cluster教师专业发展的新视野:“学校群”策略

professional development schools专业发展学校
1.On the basis of the review of the origin and evolution of American teachers professional development schools, 300 primary and secondary school teachers of P.在对美国教师专业发展学校起源与发展回顾的基础上,着重就中小学体育教师职后培训方式对福建省300名中小学体育教师进行了问卷调查,旨在探索提高我国中小学体育教师职后培训效果的途径与方法。
2.Based on the Analysis on Professional Development Schools in America and the back-ground of its emergence,the review and the summary of its history and experience,the paper makes sure that school re form must keep step with the re form of teach er education,and reflects the re form of pre-sent school educa tion.文章在简要分析美国教师专业发展学校及其兴起背景的基础上,结合其历史回顾和经验总结,明确学校重构必须与教师教育改革同步,进而对当前学校教育改革进行反思。
1.The Brief Introduction to Professional Development Schools (PDS) and its Inspiration for Teacher Education in China;美国专业发展学校(PDS)评介及其对我国教师教育的启示
2.On the Foundational Theories of US PDS;论美国专业发展学校的基础理论
3.Consideration on the Construction of PDS in China;关于我国建设专业发展学校的思考
4)professional development school (PDS)专业发展学校
1.By the end of 1980s,a new type of cultivated mode has been brought forth in the course of the development and reform of American Teacher Education, namely, Professional Development School (PDS).20世纪 80年代末期以来 ,美国教师教育发展和改革中出现了一种新的培养模式———专业发展学校 ,它是通过强化教师教育机构与中小学的合作伙伴关系 ,共同培养教师、开展合作研究而建立起来的。
5)Professional Development School教师专业发展学校
1.Professional Development School in the U.S.:Experience and Inspiration;美国教师专业发展学校对我国教育发展的经验与启示
2.The Establishment of Professional Development School;教师专业发展学校的构建
3.Modern teacher professionalization movement originated from the United States, while professional development school came out since the mid-1980s in the teacher education reform in the United States, which was a new form of teacher training.现代意义的教师专业化运动发端于美国,而教师专业发展学校就是20世纪80年代中期以来美国教师教育改革中出现的一种教师培养的新形式。
6)Teachers Professional Development School(TPDS)教师专业发展学校(TPDS)

农村区域发展专业农村区域发展专业业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具备农村区域发展方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能在农业企业、农业推广管理部门、政府及事业单位从事计划、规划与设计、推广与发展、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作的高级专门人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习农村区域发展和当代农村发展方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到农村发展调查分析、规划设计、实施、调控与评价等方面的基本训练,掌握从事农村区域、社区发展工作的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.掌握当代发展学科的基本理论、基本知识;2.掌握包括发展经济学、发展社会学、发展人类学及发展管理等范畴在内的综合的分析方法;3.具备以解决问题为导向的农村区域、社区分析、规划、计划实施、监测和评价等方面的技能;4.具备农业可持续发展的意识和基本知识,了解当代发展学的科学前沿和发展趋势;5.熟悉国家关于农业、农村和农民的有关方针、政策和法规;6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。主干课程:主干学科:普通发展学、农村发展学、农业经济管理主要课程:农业概论、政治经济学、农业经济学、发展人类学、发展社会学、发展经济学、农村发展研究方法、农村发展设计。主要实践性教学环节:包括教学实习、课程设计、毕业论文、科研训练、生产劳动、社会实践等,一般安排25--28周。修业年限:四年授予学位:管理学学士相近专业:农林经济管理 农村区域发展