1.The Inquiry and Reflection on the Self-growth of Professional Ability of Educational Technology Students;关于教育技术大学生专业能力自我成长的调查与思考
2.It puts forward the development of new teachers in probationary period largely depends on self-growth,pointing out that they can firstly confirm their research direction,breaking through the traditional method of "The old gives guidance to the new"and with the help of internet,partners,ref.以解读1999年以来每年全国高校新教师产生的数量为基础,分析了试用期对高校新教师的重要性以及这些新教师们普遍面临的挑战,提出试用期新教师的发展根本在于自我成长,指出他们可以在首先确定研究方向的前提下,突破传统“老带新”、借助网络、利用同伴、凭借“反思”和“叙事”快速成长。
3.In view of the task of helping others, any psychological counselor must face the problem of self-growth.为了更好地帮助他人 ,咨询员必须面对自我成长的问题。

1.Vent self-awareness and self-growth is a catalyst.宣泄是自我认识与自我成长的催化剂。
2.Learning to Live: Household Management and the Self-development of University Students;学会生活——家政学与大学生的自我成长
3.A Discussion on Self-growth of New Teachers During Probationary Period in Colleges;论高校新上岗教师试用期间自我成长
4.Growth in the Head Wind--Probe the Self-growing Course of BAI Da-xing, YIN Xiao-tiao, and SU Mei;逆风中的成长——试论白大省、尹小跳、苏眉的自我成长之路
5.Each road leads to Rome李晓忠:条条道路通罗马 夏新的自我成长式发展
6.An Analysis of the Education Mode of Students Self-Cultivation in Social Work;社会工作专业学生自我成长教育模式探析
7.A Pattern of Self-growth Team Based on Cognitive Constructionalist Theories;基于认知建构主义理论的自我成长团体模型
8.The Quality-oriented Education of Teachers Universities: Towards the Training of Self-cultivating Teachers;走向自我成长型教师培养的高师素质教育
9.I want to move to a company where I can grow.我想去一家可以让自己成长的公司。
10.Wang Anyi s Novels: History of Individual Growth and Undertaker to Loneliness;王安忆小说:自我的成长与孤独的承担
11.My speed in long races had been declining since I had become a masters runner.我长跑的速度自从我成为老练的跑者后就衰退。
12.Self-Actualization as a Bildungsrowoman--Janie Crawford s Development into a Feminist Heroine;女性成长 自我实现——析简妮·克洛福德的女性成长历程
13.Growth: from Rebelling against the Tradition to Quest for Self --On the Female Initiation Theme in Porter s Stories;成长:从反叛传统到寻找自我——波特小说中南方女性成长主题
14.From Self-Absence to Self-Realization: D. H. Lawrence s Sons and Lovers as Bildungsroman;从自我缺失到自我实现:作为成长小说的《儿子与情人》
15.I was holding down my first job and feeling quite grown up.我有了第一份工作,感到自己已经长大成人了。
16.Anxiety of Growth:Breaking Up and Making Up Between the Self and the World in Shen Congwen s Literature;“成长”的焦虑:沈从文自我与世界的分裂与弥合
17.Self-dependence: The Best Choice for Sustaining Development of Teachers Profession;立足自我:教师专业可持续成长的最佳选择
18.The Breakthrough Point of Teachers Professional Development:The Self-construction of Teaching Skills;教师专业成长的突破口:教学技能的自我建构

1.Combining teaching practices,this paper explores the importance and value of laying emphasis on students self-development in professional education and suggests approaches to promoting students self-development.结合教学实践,文章探讨在专业教育中强调学生自我成长的意义与价值,提出促进学生自我成长的途径,具体阐释《自我探索与专业成长》课程的教学实施模式,并指出需要注意的问题。
3)growth pressure自我成长压力
4)Group of Self-growth自我成长小组
5)themselves professional development自我专业成长
6)self-growth team自我成长团体

美国作家盖瑞•伯森的作品,主要在鹿精灵的指引下,布莱恩徜徉在优美的丛林与湖泊中,向着克里族人的营地前行……但是,夜晚,凄厉的呜咽声惊醒了布莱恩的美梦,也改变了他的行程……一只受伤的小狗,向布莱恩透露了什么讯息?又将会给布莱恩哪些未卜的历险呢?在那个血雨腥风的小岛上,睡袋里长眠的猎人,灌木丛里残破不全的尸体,失踪了的苏珊,还有错乱的巨熊脚印……这一切到底是如何发生的?布莱恩又该怎样去独自面对这一切,处理这下切呢?他是如何救出苏硼?又是如何追踪到那头罪大恶极的黑熊,并与之进行殊死搏斗?丛林里的危险总是让人唯以预料,随时都面临着生死攸关的时刻。真正的绝处逢生,不容错过的《手斧男孩》终结篇——《猎杀布莱恩》!作者简介:盖瑞•伯森gary paulsen(1939-)出生于美国的明尼苏达州,先后当过卡车司机、捕猎人、弓箭手、导演、演员、歌手、水手、工程师、农夫、教师,他职业的多样化造就了他丰富的人生经验。后来移居森林,潜心写作,作品大部分都取材于实际生活,成为一个说故事的高手。《手斧男孩》首部曲出版后,作者几乎每天收到两百封读者来信,询问布莱恩后来怎么样了。由于《手斧男孩》系列内容精彩逼真,美国《国家地理杂志》误以为是真实事件,欲对布莱恩进行采访报道。至今《手斧男孩》已畅销全球200万册,荣获美国知名大奖“纽伯瑞奖”(世界上两大儿童文学奖项之一,另一项是“国际安徒生文学奖”),被评为美国100年来最优秀的50部青少年图书之一。