1.As far as historiography concerns,narration and discussion are the methods of equal importance.对历史学来说,述本是与同等重要的方法,但由于在史学科学化的进程中,不少史学家受实证主义等史学流派的影响,将方法的改变尤其是的使用视为科学的史学得以产生的根本性条件,结果使得史学著述在近代以后出现了对述的排挤现象,造成了若干消极后果。
2.The art rules that he summed up and some accurate discussions about art he made, belong to the latter.他所总结出的艺术规律和他关于艺术的一些精辟述就属于后者 ,至今对我们仍有启示作

1.A Study on Gu Lun,Qi Lun and Lu Lun《古》、《齐》与《鲁》考述
2.of or involving dispute or controversy.争或者战的,卷入争或者战的。
3.A Study about Public Opinion in Internet Forum;网络坛中的舆形成与舆引导
4.Debate Between "The Conflicts of Civilization" and "Soft Power";“文明冲突”与“软权力”之间的辩
5.From Restrictive Right to Dominating Right --On the Theoretic Foundation of Constitution;从限权到控权——宪法的理基础
6.The Theory of Playing Based on Freedom View:from a Theory for Itself and of Harmony to a Self-sufficient Theory;自由的游戏理:从自为与和谐到自足
7.Argument,Argumentation,Disputation--A Two-dimensional Understanding of the Concept of Argument within Contemporary Argumentation Theory;证,辩,争——当代证理视域中证概念的双重维度解读
8.refutation of argument ground反驳据 反驳
9.molecular theory of memory记忆分子 记忆分子
10.molecular vibration theory分子振动 分子震动
11.frequency theory of hearing听觉频率 听觉频率
12.situational identity theory情景身分 情景身分
13.population theory总体理,全域理
14.To reach(a conclusion)by reasoning.推通过推理得出(结
15.enter an argument or dispute energetically参与激烈争或辩
16.molecular absorption theory分子吸附 分子吸附
17.optimal arousal level theory适度兴奋适度兴奋
18.peripheral theory of thinking边缘思维 边缘思考

1.According to the debating way and the article s title,the predecessors divided debating articles into several styles: Lun,Bian,Shuo,Yi, Yuan,Jie(Shi),which is characteristic in our ancient debating article.辩文是一种证事理、阐明主张的文体。
2.Then the article analyzes separately the words of "lun", "wu", "qi" and holds the opinion that the original meanings of Zhuangzi is making every thing equal by using dao.总结了历年注《庄》者对《齐物》的题解 ,按照注者理解的角度不同将其分为三大种六小类 ,然后分别分析“”、“物”、“齐”三个字 ,认为庄子“齐物”之本义应为 :以“道”齐
3)graph theory图论理论
1.By using the graph theory and the method of data transformation,a series of connectivity matrixes and loop matrixes are derived from the basic relation matrix—the matrix KL.应用图和数据转换方法,通过基本关系矩阵———KL矩阵派生一系列的衔接矩阵和回路矩阵。
4)conclusion of comments评论结论
5)argumentation theory辩论理论
6)homotopic theory同论理论
1.In this paper,basing on the idea of the connection between the argument principle and the homotopic theory we present a new proof of the classical Schwarz Lemma in the one complex variable.本文中,基于幅角原理和同紧密联系的想法,我们对单复变中经典的Schwarz引理给出了一个新的证明。

论【论】 (术语)十二部经中,有优婆提舍Upadesa,译曰论。佛自论议问答而辨理也,而佛弟子论佛语,议法相,与佛相应者,亦名优婆提舍。三藏中之阿毗达磨藏Abhidharma是也。阿毗达磨藏有四名。优婆提舍为其一。亦译为论。然则论之名,通于师资,但为立师资之别,故十二部经中之论称为经。特以三藏中之优婆提舍谓之论。大乘义章一曰:“优婆提舍,此正名论,论诸法故。”净土论注上曰:“梵言优婆提舍,此间无正名相译。若举一隅,可名为论。(中略)佛所说十二部经,有论议经名优婆提舍,若举佛诸弟子解佛经教与佛义相应者,佛亦许名优婆提舍,以佛法相故。”瑜伽论十五曰:“研究决择,教授教诫。为断有情所疑惑故,故称为论。”瑜伽师地论释曰:“问答决择诸法性相,故名为论。”俱舍论一曰:“教诫学徒故称为论。”肇论慧达序曰:“问答折征所以为论。”起信论义记上曰::“假立宾主,往复折征。论量正理,故名为论。”