1.Erasmus and German Reformation;伊拉斯谟与德国宗教改革
2.Erasmus is the outstanding representatives of northern European in the 16th.伊拉斯谟是16世纪欧洲北方文艺复兴运动的杰出代表。

1.Weeds always flourish.-- Desiderius Erasmus野草生命力强。——伊拉斯谟
2.On Erasmus Programme ot the European Union;浅析欧共体/欧盟的“伊拉斯谟计划”
3.of or relating to or in the manner of Erasmus.伊拉斯谟的,与他有关的,或以他的方式的。
4.Was Erasmus Duplicitous:A Case Study of Erasmus' Six Years in Freiburg“心怀二意”的伊拉斯谟?——以六年的弗莱堡生活为例
5.None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.--Desiderius Erasmus只有每天为生活与自由拼搏的人,才配享受生活与自由。——伊拉斯谟
6.War, Peace and Christian Community: A study of Erasmus Political Thought;战争、和平与“基督教共同体”——伊拉斯谟思想述论之一
7."In the world of letters, humanists such as Desiderius Erasmus rejected religious orthodoxy in favour of the study of human nature."在文学世界中,像伊拉斯谟斯这样一批人文主义者反对宗教正统,提倡研究人的本性。
8.The first theme of this dissertation is that the interpretations of Erasmus and Luther, regarding the three issues, constructed their own types of religious thoughts.伊拉斯谟与路德对这三个问题的解释也就构成他们各自的宗教思想类型。
9.Portrait of Erasme of Rotterdam鹿特丹的依拉斯谟像(绘画)
10.Islamic Action in Iraq伊拉克伊斯兰行动组织
11.Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.-D. Erasmus最可怕的事莫过于无知而行动。--埃拉斯谟
12.Simeon OF DURHAM西米恩(达拉谟的)
13."Iraqi aggression in the Persian Gulf"“伊拉克在波斯湾的侵略”
14."Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon;"拉吉,波斯加,伊矶伦,
15.Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq伊拉克伊斯兰革命最高委员会
16.Iraqi Islamic Revolutionary Council伊拉克伊斯兰革命委员会
17.Istarki Demokratski Sabor伊斯特拉民主大会(伊民大)
18.BRILSTRA-OOSTERHUIS, S.D.布里尔斯特拉-奥斯特赫伊斯

Erasmus, Desiderius伊拉斯谟斯
3)Desiderius Erasmus (1467~1536)伊拉斯谟,D.
1.And there are two opposite schools: Erasmians and Reuchlinians.16世纪以来,古希腊文的发音在西方古典学界一直饱受争议,并分为两大对立派别:伊拉斯谟派和奈富克林派。
5)Erasmus Darwin伊拉斯谟·达尔文
1.Erasmus Darwin and Lunar Society of Birmingham;伊拉斯谟·达尔文与伯明翰月光社
6)Desiderius Erasmus德泽德里·伊拉斯谟
1.The purpose of this dissertation is not to give an all-round study of the Reformation thoughts, but to exposit the different religious thoughts of the two great men in the 16~(th) century, Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther, in the background of the religious thoughts in the Later Medieval Age.本论文不是要对宗教改革思想做出一种全面性研究,而是将两个16世纪的思想伟人:德泽德里·伊拉斯谟与马丁·路德放在中世纪晚期宗教思想的背景中,比较地呈现这两个人关于宗教改革思想的差别。
