1.Analysing the psychological factors of errors when students calculate,then defining "carelessness",the results indicate that the psychological foundations of "carelessness"are the incomplete perception,the poor distribution of attention and illusion of stereotype.“粗心”将导致各种各样错误的发生。
2.The carelessness of pupils in learning should be concerned with for the purpose of improving their cultural quality to adjust to the demand for the talented persons in the 21st century.为提高学生文化素质以适应 21世纪对人才的需要,对学生学习上的粗心应引起重视。

1.Blunders are generally due to carelessness.粗差一般由粗心引起。
2.inattentive students; an inattentive babysitter; neglectful parents.粗心的学生;粗心的看孩子的人;粗心的父母。
3.Heedless or careless.粗心的不注意的或粗心大意的
4.characterized by careless unconcerned.以粗心、不关心为特点。
5.Careless and irresponsible.粗心的,不负责任的
6.He always does his homework so carelessly.他总是很粗心地做作业。
7.You are idle and careless.“你游手好闲又粗心大意,
8."Clear off!"the rude man shouted“滚开!”那个粗心大声喊道。
9.Why am I so thoughtless?我为什么这样粗心大意?
10.Careless drivers have accidents.粗心的司机出事故。
11.He is a careless (little) beggar.他是个粗心的(小)家伙。
12.A careless driver is a danger.粗心的司机是一种危险。
13.I am very careless, and have lost the umbrella.我太粗心了,丢了雨
14.He was careless in everything.他对每件事都很粗心
15.He is a proverb for carelessness.他的粗心是人所共知的。
16.slap some paint onto the wall.把油漆粗心涂抹在墙上。
17.I'm extremely sorry for my carelessness.非常抱歉,我太粗心了。
18.Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge .粗心之害大于无知。

careless mistake粗心错
3)Centreless rough turning无心粗车
4)with a heavy hand粗心地
5)Eccentric upset forging偏心锻粗
6)careless driving粗心驾车
