1.Chinese culture indicates the essence of self-concern including patriarchal clan system,collectivism,hiding selfishness,personification.中国传统文化所表明的自我关怀的本质是宗法、集体、藏私、拟人等为其属性。

1.Experience of the Body and Care of the Self: Foucault s Philosop hy of Existence;身体经验与自我关怀──米歇尔·福柯的生存哲学研究
2.The Relationship between College Students' Self-acceptance and Their Familial Caring Degrees.大学生自我接纳与家庭关怀度的相关研究
3.Others-attention And Self-Expression Of Married Women in "Three Words" and "Two Amazing Tales";“三言”“二拍”中女性婚恋的他者关怀及自我呈现
4.The Tistinctive Quality of Creative Concern and the Self-experience in Zhangxin s Novel;张欣小说创作关怀与自我体验的独特性
5.I myself became more and more sceptical.我自己越来越怀疑了。
6.We are continually opening doors with hope, closing them with despair.我们继续怀着希望开门,怀着绝望关门。
7.I had a due sense of his kindness.我对他的关怀十分了解。
8.And we believe that because we know that strength without care is savage and brutal and selfish.我们如此认识,因为知道没有关怀的力量就是粗野、冷酷和自私。
9.More Humanistic Concern and Encouragement of Students to Be Self-perfecting;多一些人文关怀 激励学生自我完善——马斯洛的需要层次理论运用
10.Wandering between the Ego and the Others--On Coetzean’s Moral Solicitude in Waiting for the Barbarians徘徊在自我和他者中间——库切《等待野蛮人》中的道德关怀
11.Contemporary Poetry: Between "Freedom" and "Concerns";当代诗歌:在“自由”与“关怀”之间
12.Contract the Introspecting of Concern: the Nature in Other Field;关怀下的反思——另一种视野里的自然
13.On the Consciousness of Humanistic Concern in the Constructing Harmonious Society试论和谐社会视阈下的人文关怀自觉
14.Cultivating Man Caring For the Meaning of Life on His Own-The Study on the Aim of School Moral Education Based on Ultimate Concern成就自主关怀生活意义的人——基于终极关怀的学校德育目的研究
15.I stood, dumbfounded, wondering if I should be the one to answer this child's first question about the birds and the bees.我站起来,哑然失笑,我怀疑自己应不应该是回答这个孩子的第一个关于性的问题的人。
16.I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes.我将我的婢女放在你怀里,她一见自己怀了孕,便看不起我。
17.Your solicitude was a great consolation to me.你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。
18.Indeed I have reason to suspect myself on this head ;我确实有理由怀疑这是自己的责任。

non-ego concern非自我关怀
5)Natural Care自然关怀
6)The teachers care about me.老师关怀我。
