1.The author believes that teachers of English language must practice and carry out the Humanistic Education Theory,take a leaner-centered perspective,and give more encouragement to and appreciation of the learners,so as to put the learners in a harmonic and understanding environment,shape the learner s self-confidence,and arouse their initiative.笔者认为,英语教师在教学中要积极实践和贯彻人本主义教育理论,以学习者为中心,对学习者要多赞赏、多鼓励,让学生身处和谐、理解的教学环境之中,以增强学习者的自信心,唤起学习者的主动性;笔者还结合自身多年的教学心得,强调从做中学,主张把激发学生兴趣放在首要位置,并就如何在英语教学中利用多种独特的手段,以激发学生的学习兴趣,提出了自己的看法。

1.To express warm approbation of, commendation for, or admiration for.赞扬,赞赏表达热烈的赞同、赞扬或仰慕
2.High praise or commendation.称颂,赞美高度的赞扬或赞赏
3.The old woman nodded her head approvingly.老大太赞赏地点了点头。
4.sensibility to praise [shame]对赞赏 [耻辱] 的敏感
5.We appreciate steady workers.我们赞赏踏实的工人。
6.His opinion was received with great applause.他说的话很受赞赏
7.This is admiration of a very particular kind!这种赞赏真叫独特!
8.He does the host admirably.他是个令人赞赏的主人。
9.Several of the directors gave approving nods.几个董事赞赏地点点头。
10.Visitors admire Beijing for its beauty.观光者赞赏北京的美丽。
11.She was complimented on her success.她的成就为人们所赞赏
12.No one can admire a deceitful man.没有人会赞赏狡狯的人。
13.He admires her cheerful habit of mind.他赞赏她那开朗的性格。
14.People all appreciate his integrity.人们都赞赏他的品格。
15.She paid me a very charming compliment on my paintings, ie praised them.她极为赞赏我的画.
16.To express approval of(someone or something) especially by such clapping.赞赏,鼓掌向(某人或某物)表示赞赏,尤指鼓掌欢呼
17.To praise enthusiastically and often publicly;applaud.喝彩,称赞热情地,并且经常公开地称赞;赞赏
18.The english Instinctively admire any man who have no talent and be modest about It .英国人本能地赞赏那些没有才能而又对人家的赞赏谦虚的人。

4)To sing the praises of Henry大加赞赏
5)pay someone a compliment; compliment someone恭维;赞赏
6)An expression of approval; praise.赞赏表示;赞美
