1.The bureaucracy system is a structure designed to carry out public policies effectively.官僚制是一种被设计来有效执行公共政策的理性或组织结构,然而在一个高度复杂和技术导向的社会中,官僚机构不但是公共政策的执行者而且是主要决策者。
2.Bureaucracy is a kind of rational structure that is designed to execute effectively public policies, but in a very complicatedand technology- guiding society, bureaucracy is not only a public policy executor but a primary public policy decision- maker.官僚制是一种被设计来有效执行公共政策的理性的组织结构,然而在一个高度复杂和技术导向的社会中,官僚机构不但是公共政策的执行者而且是主要决策者。

1.an official of a bureaucracy.一个官僚机构的公务员。
2.A bureaucracy that headed up in the king.一个以国王为首的官僚机构
3.The inertia of an entrenched bureaucracy.平稳的官僚机构内存在的惰性
4.In the meantime he left me to manage the bureaucracy.在此期间,他把我留下来对付官僚机构
5.The bureaucracy is here to stay.这里的官僚机构是长存的。
6.We finally got through the bureaucracy and could talk to the Minister.我们最终到达官僚机构并跟部长谈话。
7.The damaging effects of bureaucracy in our organizational structure and work methods are visible on every side.现在到处都可以看到,我们的官僚主义、官僚机构、官僚制度的害处极大。
8.No single institution has come to disappoint Indians more than their bureaucracy.没有一个机构比政府官僚机构更让印度人失望。
9.Unlike most other countries, in the United States industrial bureaucracies, particularly railroads, grew faster and became larger than the government's own bureaucracy;与其他大多数国家不同,美国的工业官僚机构(尤其在铁路部门)发展得比政府官僚机构还快。
10.At the same time the State Department bureaucracy tended to tempt fate.同时,国务院的官僚机构有铤而走险的倾向。
11.At every point it is possible to define the state of buteaucratic play.到处都可以看出官僚机构玩弄权术的状况。
12.But American officialdom needs to stop thinking that people will tolerate any humiliation to work there.但美国的官僚机构不能再认为人们会为在美国择业而忍受一切。
13.I would be ground down between the Congress and the increasingly assertive bureaucracy.我将被国会和日益武断的官僚机构压挤得透不过气来。
14.The frustration we felt with the bureaucracy was based on solid reasons.我们对官僚机构所感到的失望是有其确凿原因的。
15.They are the product of a bureaucracy that rewards discipline and discourages initiative.他们是一个提倡纪律性,反对主动性的官僚机构的产物。
16.The bureaucracy nominally under his control is huge and probably unmanageable.名义上归他领导的那个官僚机构,庞大而且有些无法控制。
17.The victor will be expected to inject new life into a bloated U.N. bureaucracy.人们期待竞选的胜利者对臃肿的联合国官僚机构注入新活力。
18.Indonesia has an enormous bureaucracy, which gobbles up one-eighth of all public spending.印尼有庞大的官僚机构,消耗了所有公共支出的八分之一。

the compositons of bureaucracies官僚构成
4)aides agencies幕僚机构
1.Counselors\' office of the Military Commission,which was set up in early 1938,was one of Chiang Kai-shek\'s aides agencies.设立于1938年初的军事委员会参事室,作为蒋介石的幕僚机构之一,积极参与战时外交活动,为国民政府在抗战需要下与美英法等各国的政治交往出谋划策,其研究、设计和建议对于外交政策均有重大影响。
1.Weber s Bureaucracy Theory View on the Construction of Public Health System in China;从韦伯的官僚组织结构看我国公共卫生体系建设
6)bureaucracy organization structure官僚式组织结构
