1.He emphasized substantial learning, advocated practice and initiative and focused on the ability cultivation.他从经世致用的宗旨出发,推行具有实学特色的书院教育改革,尤其注重事物之学,提倡习行和主动,致力于实用人才的培养。
2.Yan Yuan s purpose of pragmatic education is attaching importance to practice, thus aiming at training practical talents.在人才培养的方式方面 ,颜元认为学校是人才培养的重要场所 ,教育过程中要因材施教 ,并且他认为“习行”是人才培养的重要手

1.The Effects of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation on Learning Behavior;课堂外语学习动机对学习行为的影响
2.The Investigation Report of Distance Learners Characteristics and Study Action;远程学习者特征及学习行为调查报告
3.Individual's Learning Behavior under Biased Judgments of Learning学习判断偏差条件下个体的学习行
4.Oh, that comes with practice.哎,多练习就行了。
5.Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habit; watch your habit, they become character.积思成言,积言成行,积行成习,积习成性。
6.A habitual tendency or way of behaving.习性一种习惯性的行为倾向或方式
7.The Action Research on Inspiring the Study Drive of Distance Learner;激发远程学习者学习动力的行动研究
8.He strained after learning with all his might.他竭尽全力地进行学习。
9.I am used to traveling by air,我习惯了乘飞机旅行,
10.Setting down boats (rafts) to carry out lifesaving rehearsal;放艇(筏)进行救生演习;
11.He is study banking.他正学习银行业务。
12.prevailing custom广泛流行的风俗习惯
13.characteristic or habitual practice.独特的或习惯的行为。
14.having the character or habits of a thief有偷窃行为或习惯的.
15.The old practice still prevails in the countryside.旧习俗在乡间仍然流行。
16.For successful life-long learning you must take these study habits and attitudes with you,为成功进行终身学习,你必须具备这些学习习惯和学习态度,
17.Exercises are for your own use ? do them and note difficulties.练习是让你自行运用,进行练习并记下难点。
18.Why Studio Physics?( and How?为什么以物理来进行研习?(如何进行?

learning behavior学习行为
1.Evidence research on learning behavior in the network environment:A case study of online English writing teaching;网络环境下学习行为的实证研究——在线英语写作教学案例分析
2.The learning behavior of Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) fed on the fictitious hosts Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae);用替代寄主繁殖的川硬皮肿腿蜂的学习行
3.Roles of volatile infochemicals and learning behavior in the host selection process of Anastatus japonicus;挥发性信息化合物与学习行为在平腹小蜂寄主选择过程中的作用
1.Conclusion:To prevent accidents and improve nursing quality,nursing recording,changing salved patient habits and using protective measures,such as bed side-rails and belt,are vevy important.结论在对“三无”病员的护理中应加强护理文件书写质量;纠正病员不良行为习惯;必要时使用床栏、约束具等特殊护理是减少护理差错,提高护理质量的保障。
2.Problems in family education resulted in many bad habits of children.家庭养成教育中存在种种问题,导致幼儿形成诸多的不良行为习惯。
4)navigational practice航行实习
1.The navigational practice is an important phase in navigators training.航行实习是航海人才培养的一个重要环节。
5)behavioral characteristics行为习性
1.Study on the behavioral characteristics of fishes in the deep water sea cage;几种深水网箱养殖鱼类行为习性的观察
2.Taking human s behavioral characteristics in space in consideration,from the creation of pleasurable public space favorable to communication,strengthening of spatial sense,private activities,the formation of private and public spaces and other aspects suggestions are proposed for design of favorable external humanized space in order to meet requirements of different activities and users.以空间中人的行为习性为出发点,从有利于公众接触和交往的适宜空间设置、空间生气感的加强、私密性活动、私密性—公共性层次的形成几方面对如何创造适宜的外部人性化空间提出了设计建议,以满足不同活动、不同使用者的需要。
3.[Objective] The aim was to study the earlier behavioral characteristics of Procypris rabaudi (Tchang).[目的]探究岩原鲤[Procypris rabaudi(Tchang)]的早期行为习性。
6)behavior habit行为习惯
1.With an introduction of some styles and notions in city design,this paper stresses the relationship between city design and city history,proposes that detail design be paid attention to,with consideration of people s behavior habits and space design,especially of the needs of the vulnerable groups.介绍城市设计的一些流派和风格,强调城市设计与城市历史的关系和城市设计中应该关注城市的细节设计,指出要注重对人们行为规律和行为习惯以及因人而异的空间设计,特别是对弱势群体的关注。
2.In order to prevent the form of the reverse psychology,teachers and parents should treat children reasonably and guide them to construct correct cognitive architecture,form good behavior habit and heighten the ability of self-education through rich and colorful activities so that the children can grow up healthily and happily.为预防逆反心理的产生,教师、家长应理智地对待孩子,引导孩子构建正确的认知体系,养成良好的行为习惯,并通过丰富多彩的实践活动,提高学生自我教育的能力,使孩子健康快乐地成长。
3.The thesis makes an investigation and research on the physical exercise consciousness and behavior habit of students from universities and colleges in Yunnan province.采用文献资料法、调查问卷法、数理统计和逻辑分析法对云南省4所普通高校大学生的体育锻炼意识及行为习惯进行调查研究,结果表明:云南省普通高校大学生对参与体育锻炼的态度和动机是积极的,其体育价值观也是积极向上的;从总体上看,大学生参与体育锻炼的频度不足、时间少;活动项目主要以散跑步、球类为主,健美操、隔网球类(排球、乒乓球、羽毛球)在女生选择的项目中占有一定比例;懒惰、场地器材不足、学业重没时间、无人组织指导等主客观原因是影响云南省普通高校大学生参与体育锻炼的主要因素。

习行  中国清初颜元哲学思想的重要概念。颜元把求学问知识和道德修养的方法总结为不断实学、实习、实行。他认为,要求得真知,必须"用力于讲读者一二,加功于习行者八九"。他解《大学》中"格物致知"的"格"字为"手格猛兽之格"、"手格杀之格";解"格物致知"这一命题为"手格其物而后知至"。这是他对习行思想的重大发展。    颜元将习行作为求知途径时,接触到了认识以实践为基础的问题,比前人把行仅限于个人的道德践履进了一步。