1.Today with Yesterday of Owen s Experimental Village of New Lannark;欧文的实验村——新兰那克的今昔

1.Morgan. Owen Morgan.摩根。欧文?摩根。
2.Erving. What's he calling, Er Stone ?欧文,他叫什么来着,欧文。 斯通?
3."Erving. What 's he call, er Stone ? "欧文,他叫什么来着,欧文。斯通?
4.Irving, what's he called, Irving Stone?欧文,他叫什么来着,欧文·斯通?
5.ABDULAH, Frank Owen弗兰克·欧文·阿卜杜拉
6.Well, Owen isn't that smart.嗨,欧文才没有那么棒呢。
7.How long has Owens Award been established?欧文斯奖设立多久了?
8.Judge Irwin was disgusted.欧文法官嗤之以鼻。
9.Owen complied with the boy's request.欧文答应了孩子的要求。
10.They waited for Owen's arrival.他们等待欧文的到来。
11.Irving Berlin lived to be 101 years old.欧文?伯林活了101岁,
12.I adore Michael Owen.我崇拜麦克尔?欧文
13.Owen is a child with a more enquiring turn of mind than his brother.欧文比兄弟更好问问题。
14.Have you heard of Michael Owen?你听说过迈克尔?欧文吗?
15.Irving Berlin thought so, too.欧文?伯林也这么想,
16.runelike symbol似古北欧文字的符号
17.Mr. and Mrs. Owne are newly married.欧文夫妇新近才结的婚。
18.Irving Babbitt Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus欧文-白壁德比较文学讲座退休教授

1.Accessories That Covertedly Explain: Irving s Use of Dutch Genre Painting in Rip Van Winkle;隐性的阐释——谈荷兰风俗画在欧文名作《瑞普·凡·温克尔》中的运用
1.Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis on Pectinase of Erwinia T85-166欧文氏菌T85-166果胶酶基因克隆与序列分析
2.By using enrichment media NPC and CVP, 792 strains of Pseudomonas and 515 strains of Erwinia were isolated from the rhizosphere of Digitaria adscendens (H.采用MPC和CVP富集培养基从马唐和狗尾草的根部分离到假单胞菌792株、欧文氏菌515株。
3.The isolates were identified by bacteriological methods as herbicola group of Erwinia .经细菌学鉴定 ,病原菌为欧文氏菌 ( Erwinia) 。
4)Irwin Rose欧文·罗斯
1.The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2004 was shared three scientists,Aaron Ciechanover(1947-), Avram Hershko(1937-)and Irwin Rose(1926-) together discovered ubiquitin mediated proteolysis.2004年诺贝尔化学奖授予以色列科学家阿龙·切哈诺沃 (AaronCiechanover, 1947-)、阿夫拉姆·赫什科(AvramHershko, 1937- )和美国科学家欧文·罗斯 (IrwinRose, 1926-),以表彰他们发现了泛素调节的蛋白质降解。
5)European culture欧洲文化
1.Influences of European culture upon the formation of Australian culture;欧洲文化在澳大利亚文化形成过程中的影响
2.Since European integration of higher education started, culture factor has been playing an importantrole; For the abundant meaning and trait of identity and diversity, European culture conceive capacious liberalbackground and broad adaptability, and favor European integration of higher education vigor and motivity.欧洲文化以其丰富的内涵和同一性与多样性统一的特点,构建了欧洲高等教育一体化广阔的人文背景和广泛的适应性,给予了欧洲高等教育一体化进程活力和动力。
3.European culture is spiritual and material wealth achieved in human society.欧洲文化是人类社会重要的精神和物质财富 ,其以民主与法制精神 ,科学与理性精神 ,极大地推动了欧洲现代化的进程。
6)European literature欧洲文学
1.Religion has the chronological influence on European literature before 19th century.宗教对19世纪前欧洲文学发展阶段的介入具有历时性特点。
2.Tragic spirit finds its sufficient expression in European literature characterized by the entanglement of God’s dominance of fate, the divinity, the fate and humanity added by the love of natural cathectic life.悲剧精神在欧洲文学中表现得极为充分 ,其特征为神对命运的主宰、神、命运、人性多维命运的纠缠以及对自然感性生命的眷恋
3.Prometheus is an impontant multiple conbined artstic image in European literature .普罗米修斯是欧洲文学中的重要的一个多重组合的艺术形象,欧洲不同时期的政治、经济、文化的变化发展使得不同作家笔下的普罗米修斯形象有所不同。
