1.The Art Education Thoughts of Lowenfeld and Eisner and Chinese Art Education;罗恩菲德和艾斯纳美术教育思想与当代中国美术教育
2.At the background of post-modernism education, we can find some problems about art teachers by studying on Eisner s Discipline-based Art Education.在后现代主义教育背景下,我们通过对艾斯纳的“以学科为基础的美术教育”(DBAE)本质论的再次学习探究,可以针对我国目前的课程改革发现当前我国美术教师中存在的一些问题。
3.Eisner introduced the critical thinking mode to education,and proposed "Education Appreciation" and "Education Criticism".美国教育学家、艺术家艾斯纳在研究艺术教育的过程中"把文艺批评思维方式引入教育",提出了"教育鉴赏"与"教育批评"。

1.Habits:Since bypass surgery in 1994,Eisner is more active.习惯:自从1994年做了分流外科手术以来,艾斯纳表现得更加活跃。
2.The Art Education Thoughts of Lowenfeld and Eisner and Chinese Art Education;罗恩菲德和艾斯纳美术教育思想与当代中国美术教育
3.Eisner wanted to check if there was any sign of construction on the vacant site, just four miles from Disney World.艾斯纳想要核实一下在距离迪斯尼世界4英里远的一片空地上通用公司是否有任何动工迹象。
4.Inspiration from Eisner’s Art Education Course Theory for the Reform and Development of the Course of Design Education of China;艾斯纳美术教育课程论思想对我国设计教育课程改革和发展的启示
5.Conrad and His Amy Foster: Identification and Acceptance认同与接纳:康拉德及《艾米·福斯特》
6.The tragedy of Effi s marriage--On Fontane s social critical novel Effi Briest;艾菲的婚姻悲剧——试析冯塔纳的社会批判小说《艾菲·布里斯特》
7.MASRAINAH bte Pengiran Haji Ahmad, Dayanku Hajjah达扬库·哈贾赫·马斯赖纳赫·彭吉兰·哈吉·艾哈迈德
8.The secret was passed on to a business associate of Mr. Edison.爱迪生的事业伙伴艾德温·巴纳斯也颇请此道。
9.Steve: So why did they make you team leader?斯蒂夫(艾弗纳说)为什么他们会选你当我们的头儿?
10.Donald Baird, and of the Bristol office, Mike Allen.唐纳德?贝德和布里斯托尔地区办事处经理迈克?艾伦。
11.MASRAINAH BINTI PENGIRAN HAJI AHMAD, Pengiran Hajah彭吉兰·哈贾赫·马斯赖纳赫·宾蒂·彭吉兰·哈吉·艾哈迈德
12.At the age of13, Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.在他十三岁时,艾尔维和他家人搬到田纳西州的孟菲斯城。
13.A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained.艾科单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音
14.Isaac McCaslin, “Zhen Ren” in the West;艾萨克·麦卡斯林,西方的“真人”——从道家思想和生态主义看福克纳的《熊》
15.Elvis [tropical cyclone]艾非斯〔热带气旋〕
16.Buenos Aires wool布宜诺斯艾利斯羊毛
17.Old Mac-Donald has a farm, E I E I O.老麦克唐纳有一个农场,咦艾咦艾噢。
18.Adrian, Julian, Brenna, Ian, Claire, and Quinn are in their freshmen year of High School in Indianapolis and loving life.艾德里安,朱利安,布来,伊恩,克莱尔,奎正在印第安纳波利斯享受他们的高中生活。

3)Blumea balsamifera艾纳香
1.The Sexual Generation of Blumea balsamifera;艾纳香有性世代的调查研究
2.Effects of Artificial Interference on the Productivity of Mother,Main and Young Piles of Blumea balsamifera;艾纳香母桩与幼桩关系人工干涉初试
3.Effect of N Nutrition on Yield and Active Ingredient in Blumea balsamifera;艾纳香产量和有效成分含量对氮素营养的反应
4)Blumea balsanifera地艾纳香
5)Blumea balsanifera DC艾纳香
1.Analysis of Xanthoxylin in Different Section of Blumea balsanifera DC.by RP-HPLC;反相高效液相色谱法测定艾纳香中不同部位花椒油素的含量
2.Determination of Flavanones and Flavanonols in Blumea balsanifera DC.by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC法测定艾纳香中艾纳香素和二氢黄酮醇含量
3.Using rutin as a reference substance to develop a quantitative method for the determination in different sections of total flavonoid in Blumea balsanifera DC.以芦丁为对照品,建立紫外分光光度法检测艾纳香总黄酮含量的方法,并检测艾纳香中不同部位总黄酮的含量。
