1.Explain the New Olympic Motto ‘More Cleanly, More Humanity, More Comity’;解读奥运新格言“更干净、更人性、更团结”
2.The luck and motto seal of the Han Dynasty, like the guxi of pre - Qin period, had not the function of a keepsake.汉印中的吉语格言印如同先秦时期的吉语格言古玺一样,并不具备信物的功能,其内容往往都是一些以祈福为目的的吉祥语词或修身的箴言。
3.In 2001,the IOC president Jacques Rogge advocated the new Olympic motto of cleaner,more human and united.2001年,国际奥委会主席罗格提出“更干净、更人性、更团结”奥林匹克新格言的观点,引起众多中国体育理论学者好评,大都认可其为奥林匹克运动发展之必然。

1.To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms.用格言写作用格言或警句精炼地陈述
2.A pithy saying that expresses a general truth or fundamental principle;an aphorism.警句,格言简练的格言,表达普遍的真谛或基本原则;警语,格言
3."Look before you leap" is a maxim.“三思而后行”是一句格言
4.He has a hobby for storing up sayings in his mind.他有背诵格言的癖好。
5.terse and witty and like a maxim.简练、机智、像是格言
6.Here are some proverbs about money.有几个关于钱的格言
7.a biting aphorism.See Synonyms at incisive发人深省的格言参见
8.Strike while the iron is hot is a maxim.趁热打铁是一句格言
9.Please lay the maxim to your heart.请把此格言记在心里。
10.What's the adage rife in man's mouth?脍炙人口的格言是什么?
11.store up a saying in one's heart把一个格言记在心里
12.copy-book maxims, sentiments, etc陈腐的格言、 观点等.
13.What is the motto of the Olympic?奥林匹克的格言是什么?
14.The list of maxim is not settled.格言的内容不完全固定。
15.Kousoulas, G. "Allusion and Allegory: Aphorisms of a Capital." 1984.暗示与寓言:一个首都的格言>,1984.
16.(linguistics) relating to the ablative case.(语言学)关于夺格的。
17.He' s a strong silent man.他沉默寡言,性格坚强。
18.elevation of language, style, thought语言、 风格、 思想的高尚.

1.The philosophical core of modern Olympic is the maxim of "higher,quicker,stronger".现代奥林匹克的格言“更高、更快、更强”是奥林匹克哲学的核心。
2.This article talks about the proverbs and the maxims,the similarties and the differences which caused by cultural,geographical,religious and some other reasons.本文就谚语与格言由于地理环境、文化习俗、宗教等方面反映出的不同民族文化特色做一些比较 ,从而达到深入理解并掌握不同民族语言的文化内涵 ,提高运用该语言的言语交际能力的目的。
1.Many proverbs and aphorisms are found in all kinds of books.蒙古民族民间文学广博丰赡,如许多谚语和格言散见于多种典籍中。
2.The aphorism is a kind of short wise saying which contains life philosophy.格言,是一种饱含生活哲理的语言形式。
1.Rhetoric artistry of maxims in The Analects of Confucius;《论语》格言的修辞艺术
2.The maxims and proverbs in the divinatory words in Yi Qin are of important literary value with the abundance of contents, profundity of thinking, and artistic form in language use.格言和谚语是早期的文学样式 ,完全符合文学的基本性质。
5)A dictum;a saying.箴言、格言
