1.A Review of Bollnnow’S Non-continuous Education Thoughts;博尔诺夫非连续性教育思想解读
2.Bollnnow s Punctuated Educational Thoughts and the Inspiration;博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想及其启示

1.Bollnnow s Punctuated Educational Thoughts and the Inspiration;博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想及其启示
2.The Philosophical Anthropology Research Pattern of Bollnow and its Educational Implication博尔诺夫的哲学人类学研究范式及其教育意蕴
3.Discontinuity of Life Development and Education --Discontinuous Educational Thoughts of Bollnow;生命发展的非连续性及其教育——兼论博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想
4.The Pedagogy of Time and Space--A Special Perspective of Educational Anthropology of O·F·Bollnow时空的教育学意蕴——博尔诺夫教育人类学的独特视阈
5.Discontinuous Education Thoughts of Bollnow and Its Enlightenment for Education in the Earthquake-Stricken Sichuan教育如何面对危机——博尔诺夫非连续性教育思想及其对四川地震灾区教育的启示
6.Lack and Construction:Otto Friedrich Bollnow Non-continuous Education-thought’s Inspiration for the Public Crisis-education in the Library缺失与构建:博尔诺夫非连续性教育思想对图书馆公众危机教育的启示
7.Norma Jeane lived in the home of Albert and Ida Bolender for the first 7 years of her life.诺玛-琼在其最早的七年中一直生活在阿尔博特和伊达-博兰特夫妇家里。
8.SHLEPAKOV, Arnold N.阿诺尔德·什列帕科夫
9.kolmogorov smirnov test柯尔莫哥洛夫 斯米尔诺夫检验
10."Talbot, dey coachman, tole me."车夫塔尔博特告诉俺的。
11.This time approached the blue Bor husband area the Normandy village to reveal the event already to have the extremely serious consequence.此次临近兰博尔夫地区的诺曼底乡村泄露事件已经产生了十分严重的后果。
12.Balzaretti is likely to make the journey alongside teammate Valeri Bojinov, who is still part owned by the Tuscan outfit.巴尔扎雷蒂可能与队友博季诺夫一起过去,后者的一部分所有权被佛罗伦萨所有。
13.Noel Kempff Mercado National Park诺尔-坎普夫-墨尔加多国家公园
14.kolmogorov arnold moser torus科尔莫戈罗夫阿尔诺德摩嘻环面
15.shafranov kruskal criterion沙弗拉诺夫 克鲁斯卡尔判据
16.In 1904, Marie and Pierre Curie were given the Nobel Prize for physics.1904年居里夫妇获得了诺贝尔物理奖。
17.Usmanov's pardon was nothing to do with Gorbachev.乌斯马诺夫的大赦与戈尔巴乔夫没有一点关系。
18.A Study of the Infinite in Nabokov s and Borges s Works;解读纳博科夫和博尔赫斯作品中的无穷极限

1.Discontinuous Education Thoughts of Bollnow and Its Enlightenment for Education in the Earthquake-Stricken Sichuan教育如何面对危机——博尔诺夫非连续性教育思想及其对四川地震灾区教育的启示
2.The Philosophical Anthropology Research Pattern of Bollnow and its Educational Implication博尔诺夫的哲学人类学研究范式及其教育意蕴
3)Neubauer's artery诺伊博尔氏动脉
4)Markov Game马尔可夫博弈
1.A Multi-agent Cooperative Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based on Team Markov Game;一种基于团队马尔可夫博弈的多agent协同强化学习算法
5)Union-Chernoff bounds联合-切尔诺夫限
6)Chernoff faces切尔诺夫脸谱图
