1.Meanwhile,there are various problems such as focusing on material gain,dissociated learning,and learning without awareness of questions or without internal needs.本文指出,提高教师学习有效性的关键是将学习内容从教师的"他者"变成"我者"。
2.Nowadays, there are some problems concerned students\' learning, such as dissociated learning, utilitarian learning, learning without question awareness or internal needs, which makes the learning contents"external"to students and affect the effectiveness of learning.有鉴于此,本文提出了将学习内容从"他者"转变成"我者"的两种途径,即构建道德的学校学习共同体以及形成基于转化意识和转化能力的学习方式。

1.For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self;因为谄谀我者无过于我;
2.Self vs. Other--Confucianism, Taoism and Modern Society;“我者”与“他者”——儒道文化与当代社会
3.From "External" to "Internal":On Students' Effective Learning从“他者”到“我者”——兼议学生的有效学习
4.I have to tell myself that I am a loser.我得说我是个失败者。
5.You are my Lord and Savior!"您是我的主,我的救赎者。
6.I became the hunter, and they the hunted.我成了追捕者,而他们成了被追捕者。
7.We may either pay you an allowance or have the goods replaced.我们或者给你们折价,或者给你们换货。
8.I take pleasure in the" Consumer Report."我是「消费者报导」(杂志)忠实读者。
9.On my request the conqueror questioned the man who jumped the queue.根据我的请求,征服者质问了插队者.
10.I am not the policy maker, but simply carry out the policy.我不是决策者,只不过是决策执行者。
11.I can adopt or go to the sperm bank or...我可以收养或者到精子银行,或者……
12.The whole self is the observer and the participator in the roles.全我是旁观者,也是角色的参与者。
13.I would not listen to a conqueror preaching to the conquered.我不愿听一个征服者对被征服者说教。
14.Confucius said: "I have never seen one who really loves humaneness or really hates nonhumaneness.子曰:「我未见好仁者,恶不仁者。
15.They are theists and we are atheists.他们是有神论者,我们是无神论者。
16.We are optimist and realist.我们是乐观主义者,又是现实主义者。
17.We decide what is important and what is trivial in life.我们认定生命中何者为重,何者为轻。
18.Prospect of Self-management in HIV Infected-person and AIDS PatientsHIV感染者/AIDS患者自我管理的展望

Us/Other Dichotomy我者/他者
3)the narrator "I"叙述者"我"
1.In the New year Sacrifice written by Lu Xun,the display and concealment of the narrator "I" is a process of loss,seeking and identification of the narrator′s cultural role.鲁迅小说《祝福》中,叙述者“我”的隐、显的过程就是“我”的文化身份的失去、寻找和确证的过程。

我者【我者】 (术语)自身也。圆觉经曰:“其心乃至圆悟涅槃,是我者。”