1.Exploration on the county-centered Localized Evaluation System in the Rural Compulsory Education;建立农村义务教育“以县为主”的区域性评价制度的原则
2.As far as the financial investment into Chinese compulsory education is concerned,the "county-centered" system cannot adjust to the social development any more.在中国义务教育财政投入上,“以县为主”的体制安排已经不能适应中国社会的发展,带来了一系列新的问题。

1.An Analysis of Local Government's Educational Responsibilities Based on"County-based"Policy“以县为主”政策中县级政府责任探析
2.Problem &Countermeasure in Implementation of “County-Oriented”Management System;落实“以县为主”管理体制的问题与对策
3.We should continue to improve the management system for rural compulsory education in which the county authorities play the principal role.完善农村义务教育以县为主的管理体制。
4.Study on China s Administrative System of Rural Compulsory Education of "Playing a Leading Role by the County";我国“以县为主”农村义务教育管理体制研究
5.The Research on "County Oriented"-The Policy of the Rural Compulsory Education Investment in China;“以县为主”—我国农村义务教育投入政策研究
6.About the county-level input on the rural elementary education reflection;对“以县为主”的农村基础教育投入的反思
7.Thought on the implementation of "regard county as principle" countrycompulsory education manages system in Henan;对实施“以县为主”农村义务教育管理体制的思考
8.On Consummation of “County-Based” Countryside Compulsory Education Management System;完善“以县为主”农村义务教育管理体制的思考
9.Who Will Pay the Rural Education Fee ? Rural Fee Reform and Educational Responsibility from Township to County Level;谁为农村教育买单?——税费改革和“以县为主”的教育体制改革
10.To Establish the Prefecture-oriented Quality Assurance System and A chieve the Sustainable Development of the Suburban Distance Education;构建以县为主的质量保障体系实现农村远程教育的可持续发展
11.Teachers Professional Management within the County-oriented Rural Compulsory Education System;“以县为主”农村义务教育管理体制下的教师专业管理
12.Selection Research of Leading Industry of County Region--Take A County of Anhui as an Example;县域地区主导产业选择研究——以安徽A县为例
13.On Culture in Building Socialist New Villages;以文化为先导 推进社会主义新农村建设——以腾冲县和顺镇为例
14.Courtyard economy is Booming in that rice-growing county.在那个以种植水稻为主的县里,庭院落经济十分红火。
15.This thesis takes the Black Yi in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as main object of study.本文以凉山彝族自治州布拖县黑彝为主要研究对象。
16.Practice and Exploration of the Construction of New Socialist Countryside in the Underdeveloped Areas in NorthernJiangsu Province--A Case Study of Ganyu County;苏北欠发达地区社会主义新农村建设的实践与探索——以赣榆县为例
17.A Study on Development of Peanut Industry in Rural--A Case of Guyushu Town,Changtu County;农村花生主导产业发展研究——以昌图县古榆树镇为例
18.The Creation of Autonomic-Space by the Township Governments in Western and Central China after the Tax Reform:A Case Study of County Y in Hebei Province;税费改革后中西部地区乡镇政权自主空间的营造 以河北Y县为例

1.About the county-level input on the rural elementary education reflection;对“以县为主”的农村基础教育投入的反思
2.It s a significant to launch the "county-level" administration mechanism for compulsory education in rural areas as the milestone of the turning from education run by the people to government.农村义务教育实施"以县为主"的管理体制意义重大,是农村教育由人民办转向由政府办的里程碑。
1.Due to various kinds of financial dilemmas in counties, and imbalanced development of regional economy and county economy,rural compulsory education funded by the "county-based financial system" can not solve the problems of financial inadequacy,which requires central government to finance the rural compulsory education.由于县级财政的种种困境和区域经济、县域经济发展不均衡,"以县为主"的义务教育财政制度很难从根本上解决农村义务教育发展的经费短缺问题,这就要求中央政府成为农村义务教育的投入主体。
2.Promoting the reform of rural taxation system and implementing the "county-based" management system of compulsory education are two key measures for solving problems concerning rural areas, farmers and agriculture, realizing the unified planning of urban and rural education and promoting the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable socioeco nomic development.推进农村税费改革和实行“以县为主”的义务教育管理体制,是解决“三农”问题,实现城乡和区域统筹,促进社会经济全面、协调、可持续发展的两项关键举措。
1.The county-oriented educational administrative systematical reform in rural areas has greatly promoted the development of education in rural areas.“以县为主”的农村教育管理体制的改革,大大促进了农村教育的发展,但是在体制改革过程中,还有一些深层次的问题没有解决。
2.The responsibility at county level has been intensified and the long-troubled problem of rural compulsory education outlay in China with the up per shift of key management work has been relieved and solved to a greater degre e since the investment system of rural compulsory education in China was changed from the township level(town)-, village-oriented up to “county-oriented".中国农村从以乡(镇)、村为主上移到“以县为主”的农村义务教育投资体制实施以来,强化了县级政府的责任,伴随着管理重心的适度上移,长期以来一直困绕着我国农村义务教育的经费问题,在很大程度上得到了缓解、解决。
5)County-Investing System"以县为主"投入体制
6)putting prevention first以防为主
