1.The poet abandoned his ego consiousness,entered the state of selflessness,really gave mountains and waters unrestrained life and melted the spirit of meditation into his scenic poems,making no sign,forming an extremely beautiful and deep artistic concept.诗人抛弃了自我意识达到了一种"无我"的状态,真正地让山水有了自在的生命力,又不着痕迹地把禅的精神融入他的山水诗中,形成了极为优美深邃的意境。
2.By means of the experience of taste and insight, the heart frees itself from worries and enters the realm of selflessness so that the heart experiences the freedom of imagination, which is much similar to the aesthetic activities and has aesthetic freedom’s traits in the experiences.通过明心见性、转迷入悟的途径,心灵摆脱烦恼业障,进入无我境界,从而体验到一种想象的自由。

1.I shall not practise deception on you, nor shall you do the same on me.我无尔诈, 尔无我虞。
2.We have what others have not, and ours are Better in quality than others'.人无我有,人有我优
3.They gave me much aBuse for no fault.他们无缘无故地大骂我。
4.I have unlimited potential.我的潜力无穷无尽,
5.Yet shame I not to bear an o'er-full heart,我心系百事,无悔无怨,
6."Never had anything to do with her.“我跟她毫无关系。
7." There's little choice," I said."别无选择,"我说道。
8.I did nothing. And you?我无所事事。你呢?
9.In the old society, our family had no food, no clothes, no nothing?在旧社会里我们家无衣无食,一无所有。
10.The universe is endless, my heart rises.宇宙无穷,我心飞扬。世界无限大,我有无限能量。
11.I know you bear no malice towards me.我知道你对我毫无恶意。
12.For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self;因为谄谀我者无过于我;
13.I can't express my thanks我无法表达我的谢意。
14.That's fine with me.我无所谓。我没问题。
15.I was so rude, and please forgive me."我太无理了,请原谅我。"
16.I convinced him of my innocence.我使他相信我是无辜的。
17.I was unable to assure her that I loved her.我无法使她相信我爱她。
18.That' s no concern of mine. I' m not involved.那与我无关,我未卷入。

4)sage(a wise man who transcended himself无我之我
5)non-self in inconsistent situations无常无我
1.It also enlightens us in many aspects for the modern management practice: management idea based on heart,management goal of benefiting ourselves and others and self-improvement then to improve others and policy mode of non-self in inconsistent situations.它对当代管理实践有着多方面的启发意义:以心为本的管理理念,自他两利、自度度人的管理目标,自律律人的管理原则,无常无我的决策模式。
6)self-denying doctrine无我论
1.Philosophically based on the cause-effect and self-denying doctrine, it claims that the coordination of personality, cultivation and nature.禅宗自然观蕴藏着丰富的生态美学智慧,其哲学基础是缘起论与无我论。
