1.Zhang Tai-yan,a modern scholar,strongly advocated that the college education should strictly differentiate teachers with researchers.近代大儒章太炎力主大学教育应严格区分师者与作述者。

1.When you leave your own country behind, and take your army across neighborhood territory, you find yourself on critical ground.去国越境而师者,绝地也;
2.A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a reader.讲师大学教师,尤指职务仅低于高级讲师者
3.On Teachers and Researchers in Universities --Based on Cheng Shi by Zhang Tai-yan;论大学的师者与作述者——以章太炎的《程师》为中心
4.Teacher of Teacher:Studies into Teacher Educators in the West;教师的教师:西方的教师教育者研究
5.befitting or characteristic of a priest or the priesthood.适合牧师或者牧师职位,具有牧师或者牧师职位的特点。
6.The office or authority of a vicar.牧师的职位或者权力
7.Three doctors attended on the bodly injured patient.三位医师治疗重伤患者。
8.a holier-than-thou preacher, attitude好为人师的说教者、 态度.
9.newspaper writers and photographers.报纸撰写者和摄影师。
10.A saver of souls, eg a priest灵魂的拯救者(如牧师)
11.The priest prayed for the dying man.牧师为死者做祷告.
12.Bocuse, a prince among chefs博卡斯, 厨师中的佼佼者.
13.He is more of a teacher than a scholar.他是一位教师,不是学者。
14.There is too much dead wood among the teaching staff.教师中尸位素餐者众.
15.There are too much dead wood among the teaching staff教师中尸位素餐者众
16.invested with ministerial or priestly functions.被授予牧师长或者牧师的职责。
17.a dedicated worker, priest, teacher, etc有献身精神的工作者、 牧师、 教师等.
18.A private instructor.家庭教师,私人教师私人的指导者

teacher reader教师读者
1.Investigation and analysis on situation of teacher reader utilizing library of SIE沈阳工程学院教师读者利用图书馆现状之调查分析
2.Through questionnaires, this paper investigates the utilization situation of electronic resources by the teacher readers of the library of Changzhou Institute of Mechatronic Technology, and through the statistical analysis on recovered questionnaire data, puts forward some suggestions on the reader training by the library of higher vocational college.通过问卷调查的形式,对常州机电职业技术学院教师读者使用电子资源的状况进行了调查,通过对回收的问卷调查统计与分析,提出了高职图书馆在读者培训方面的一些建议。
3)regard the old as teacher长者为师
1.The process has three stges:regard the old as teacher, regard the officer as teacher,and professional teacher.我国教师职业的产生有一个萌芽、发育和成熟的过程 ,这一过程由长者为师、以官为师和职业教师三个阶段构成。
4)to be the teacher of the emperor为帝者师
5)Master Zhi Zhe s智者大师
6)Let those who can serve as teachers.能者为师。
