1.The Folklore Implication of Conventionalization and Grown-up Role——On the Mongolia Narrative Poem The Brave and Resourceful Prince-Xiretu;蒙古族民间叙事诗习俗化与成年角色的民俗学解读——以蒙古族民间叙事诗《智勇王子喜热图》为例
2)cultural conventions文化习俗

1.The practice of chewing areca in Taiwan was originated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.台湾嚼食槟榔的文化习俗源于明清。
2.The Research of Faith and Culture and Consuetude of Hehuang Moggol Nationality;青海蒙古族宗教信仰及文化习俗探析
3.The Esteem of Females and the Culture and Custom of Man Nationality in Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》作者的女性观与满族文化习俗
4.The Exploration of the Traditional Culture and Customs of the Miao Nationality Surnamed Han in Weixin County;试探威信县韩姓苗族的传统文化习俗
5.primitive culture, customs, tribes原始文化、 习俗、 部落
6.Folklore Subject and Local Culture in Folk s Dragon Dance Custom;民间舞龙习俗中的民俗主体与乡土文化
7.The Research of Folk Custom about Prenting Mianhua as a Gift in the Village Folk Custom Cultule Construction;村落民俗文化构建中的面花互赠习俗研究
8.Having Spring-festival and Legal Protection to the Cultural Heritage of Folk-custom of Spring_festival with Fireworks;论过年习俗与放鞭炮民俗文化遗产的法律保护
9.To convert to the customs of Western civilization.使西化使转变为西方文明的风俗习惯
10.Cultural Connotation of Joking the Bridal Chamber and its Function闹洞房习俗的文化内涵及功能分析
11.The Marriage Custom of the Dai Nationality in Dehong and its Relation with its Society and Culture德宏傣族婚姻习俗与社会文化的关系
12.They adopted western culture, institutions, and even clothing.他们接受了西方的文化、习俗甚至服饰。
13.Know the culture and customs of English-speaking countries.了解说英语国家的文化及风俗习惯。
14.Tibetan Tea Culture:Tea-horse Trade and the Tea Drinking Custom of Tibetan;藏族茶文化:茶马贸易与藏族饮茶习俗
15.The Reproductive Custom and Culture Change in Achang Folk Society;阿昌族民间的生育习俗及其文化变迁
16.On the Dong People s Traditional Culture from the Custom of Helong Dinner;从“合拢饭”习俗考察侗族文化特质
17.The Reorganization between the Southern Customs and the Industry of Frontier Folk Culture;南方习俗与边疆民族文化产业的整合
18.The Cultural Ecology Significance of Naxi People s Water Worship;纳西族水崇拜习俗的文化生态学意义

cultural conventions文化习俗
3)Customary culture习俗文化
1.Failures such as misunderstanding, unpleasantness and even severe consequences in intercultural communication result from lack of customary culture of the target language.习俗文化是文化的重要组成部分。
4)custom culture习俗文化
1.We can know the esthetic pursuit of national character and relevant custom culture by analyzing the color,artistic tactics,content and painting ways of the frescoes.对花山崖壁画的画面色彩、艺术手法、内容性质和作画途径进行剖析,我们将可以领略到壮民族富有民族个性的审美追求及其相关的习俗文化。
5)cultural customs文化习俗
1.The influence of different cultural customs on translating Chinese trademarks into English;试论不同文化习俗对中文商标英译的影响
6)cultural custom文化习俗
1.There is a great difference between English word orders and Chinese ones because of the difference between the cultural customs and the thinking modes of the English native speakers and the Chinese native speakers.由于操英语者和操汉语者的民族文化习俗和思维模式不同,英汉两种语言在语序的排列顺序上有很大的区别,了解两种语言的这种不同无疑可促进翻译质量的提高。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理