2)Homo erectus直立人(人)
3)fostering people for its own sake为立人而立人
1.Having had a general look at Liang Qichao s whole life,we can say that his thought of "fostering people" can at least be expressed in two logical levels: fostering people for national salvation and fostering people for its own sake,and what s more,along with his life course,the former weakened and.通观梁氏一生,可以说,他的树人思想至少可在逻辑上表述为两个层次:为救国而新民和为立人立人
4)He Liren何立人
1.This paper discusses professor He Liren s clinical experience in the treatment of hypertension.介绍何立人教授治疗高血压病的临证经验。
5)Song Li-ren宋立人
1.Discard the Dross and Select the Essential ,Eliminate the False and Retain the True-Professor Song Li-ren s Insight into Research of Materia Medica Literature;去粗取精 去伪存真──宋立人教授谈本草文献研究
6)independent legal person独立法人
1.The Sino-foreign cooperative university that enjoys independent legal person status is different from other forms of Sino-foreign cooperative education.具有独立法人资格中外合作大学不同于融合型、嫁结型、松散型等项目合作式中外合作办学,他既具有中国普通高校的一般结构设计,又具有一种全新的模式构架,按照中国当下的发展要求,开展思想政治教育是必然选择,认真分析其驱力动因,积极探索其适应性模式,深入判解其路径方略,既是时代赋予的使命,又是独立法人中外合作大学谋求更大发展的必经之路。

1.The development of BSG is just a miniature of many private enterprises.从1个独立法人企业增至36个独立法人企业;
2.Object of Investment Invitation: applicant for the regional exclusive dealer must be the independent legal person or would-be legal person.招商对象:区域独家经销商申请人必须是独立法人或即将成为法人。
3.View on Legislation Breakthrough of the Individual Investment Enterprise Law;论我国《个人独资企业法》的立法突破
4.Only problems are solved in court independence and judge independence, can the people's court substantially exercise it judicial power in accordance with the stipulations of law.解决法院独立和法官独立方面存在的问题,才能从根本上实现人民法院依法独立行使审判权。
5.Guidelines on the Independence of Judiciary关于司法人员的独立的准则
6.On the Theory of "Rule of Law" of Scholars of Democratic Parties in Independence Review;《独立评论》中民主派学人法治思想述论
7.Perfect the Independent Director System and Improve the Corporate Administrative Organization;完善独立董事制度 健全法人治理结构
8.The Origin and Ripeness of Legal Anthropology as an Independent Subject;法人类学作为独立学科的诞生及其他
9.Independent Director and Effective Administer Structure of Company Legal Person;独立董事与有效的公司法人治理结构
10.An Analysis of Talent-training Model of Law Major in Independent College独立学院法学专业人才培养模式探讨
11.An independently funded official organ shall Be qualified as a legal person on the day it is established.有独立经费的机关从成立之日起,具有法人资格。
12.Set up Independent Directors System and Standardize Administering Structure of the Corporation;建立独立董事制度 规范公司法人治理结构
13.The Controversy on "Personality Right Should be Arranged Alone or Not " in Civil Code and the Scientific Rationality about " Personal Law Becomes and Arranges Alone";“人格权单独设编”的论争与“人身保护法单独成编”的立法构想
14.Review on the Independence of Corporate Personality and Disregard of Corporate Personality in the new Company law;新《公司法》中的法人人格独立与否认制度浅析
15.Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China.司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。
16.The meaning of judge independence is contained in judicial independence.法官独立是司法独立的应有之义。
17.The people's courts shall, in accordance with the law, exercise judicial power independently with respect to administrative cases人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权
18.On the People s Congress Supervision and the Justice of the Court;论人大对司法的个案监督与法院审判独立原则

Homo erectus直立人(人)
3)fostering people for its own sake为立人而立人
1.Having had a general look at Liang Qichao s whole life,we can say that his thought of "fostering people" can at least be expressed in two logical levels: fostering people for national salvation and fostering people for its own sake,and what s more,along with his life course,the former weakened and.通观梁氏一生,可以说,他的树人思想至少可在逻辑上表述为两个层次:为救国而新民和为立人立人
4)He Liren何立人
1.This paper discusses professor He Liren s clinical experience in the treatment of hypertension.介绍何立人教授治疗高血压病的临证经验。
5)Song Li-ren宋立人
1.Discard the Dross and Select the Essential ,Eliminate the False and Retain the True-Professor Song Li-ren s Insight into Research of Materia Medica Literature;去粗取精 去伪存真──宋立人教授谈本草文献研究
6)independent legal person独立法人
1.The Sino-foreign cooperative university that enjoys independent legal person status is different from other forms of Sino-foreign cooperative education.具有独立法人资格中外合作大学不同于融合型、嫁结型、松散型等项目合作式中外合作办学,他既具有中国普通高校的一般结构设计,又具有一种全新的模式构架,按照中国当下的发展要求,开展思想政治教育是必然选择,认真分析其驱力动因,积极探索其适应性模式,深入判解其路径方略,既是时代赋予的使命,又是独立法人中外合作大学谋求更大发展的必经之路。

立人1.立身﹐做人。 2.扶持﹑造就人。 3.人中。指人的上唇之上正中凹下的部分。 4.汉字"人"作偏旁时写作"亻"﹐称立人。