1.Ausubel′s Theory of Assimilation for Cognition and Structure and Its Enlightenment On The Teaching of Chinese Reading;奥苏贝尔认知结构同化学习理论及其对语文阅读教学的启示
2.The Studies on Ausubel s Theory of Meaningful Reception Learning and Its Application in Mathematics Teaching in Secondary Schools;奥苏贝尔的有意义接受学习理论在中学数学教学中的应用研究

1.An Investigation of the Learning Contents of English and Biology at High School Based on Ausubel s Learning Theory;用奥苏贝尔的学习理论分析英语课的学习特征
2.The Enlightenment of David P.Ausubel s Cognition Assimilation Study Theory in the Modern Innovative Teaching;奥苏贝尔认知同化学习理论对现代教学的启示
3.Inspiring of Ausubel s learning theories in traditional instruction of high school;奥苏贝尔学习理论在中学讲授教学中的启示
4.D.P.Ausube’s Learning Motivation Theoryand Its Enlightenment to the Mathematics Instruction;奥苏贝尔的学习动机理论对数学教学的启示
5.The Studies on Ausubel s Theory of Meaningful Reception Learning and Its Application in Mathematics Teaching in Secondary Schools;奥苏贝尔的有意义接受学习理论在中学数学教学中的应用研究
6.Ausubel′s Theory of Assimilation for Cognition and Structure and Its Enlightenment On The Teaching of Chinese Reading;奥苏贝尔认知结构同化学习理论及其对语文阅读教学的启示
7.A comparison & revelation between meaningful learning and significant learning;奥苏贝尔和罗杰斯有关意义学习理论的比较与启示
8.Ausubel s Theories on "Learning and Teaching": The Quintessence, Criticism and Inspiration;奥苏贝尔的“学与教”理论:精髓、批判及其对当前教改的启示
9.Learning Theories of Ausubel and its Enlightenment on the Kindergarten Teaching试析奥苏贝尔的学习理论及其对我国幼儿园教学的启示
10.WEIBERG AURDAL, Arnold阿诺德·韦贝格·奥尔达尔
11.Fio Banlsa-Nylon菲奥贝尼尔塞-尼龙
12.Fio Banlysa Poliester莫奥贝尼尔塞-聚酯
13.AL-JABER, Sultan Abdullah苏丹·阿卜杜拉·贾贝尔
14.A city of eastern Nebraska, a suburb of Omaha on the Missouri River. Population, 30, 982.贝尔维尤美国内布拉斯加州东部一城市,位于密苏里河畔的奥马哈近郊。人口30,982
15.Akzo Nobel China bv.阿克苏贝尔中国有限公司
16.Sue pulled the shade down, and motioned Behrman into the other room.苏放下窗帘,示意贝尔曼去另一个房间。
17.Research on Hydrocarbon Accumulation Rules in Sudeerte Tectonic Zone of Beier Depression贝尔凹陷苏德尔特构造带油气成藏规律研究
18.Actually, it was Neil McBain with Leo Burnett Company out of Chicago.事实上那人就是芝加哥的李奥贝纳公司一起来的尼尔?麦克贝恩。

D.Ausubel's cognitive learning theory奥苏贝尔认知学习理论
3)Ausubel meaningful learning theory奥苏贝尔学习理论
1.A Comparison between Ausubel s Meaningful Learning and That of Rogers ;奥苏伯尔和罗杰斯意义学习理论之比较
2.A Study of the Application of Ausubel s Meaningful Reception Learning Theory to College English Teaching;奥苏伯尔的有意义接受学习理论在大学英语教学中的应用研究
1.The Calculation of the Oxygenation Capacity of Orbal Oxidation Ditch;奥贝尔(Orbal)氧化沟充氧量的计算
2.Based on the characteristics and quality of sewage of fengxian county and the development program of small and long term,Kangda Fengxian county adopts the orbal oxidation ditch process.康达丰县污水处理厂针对丰县污水水质、水量特点,结合其近远期发展规划,设计采用了奥贝尔氧化沟处理工艺。

西尔维奥·门德斯·坎波·西尔维尼奥西尔维奥·门德斯·坎波·西尔维尼奥 sylvio mendes campo, silvinho性别: 男国籍: 巴西 出生城市:出生日期: 1976年4月12日身高: 173cm体重: 66kg场上位置: 后卫场上编号: 16所属团队: 巴塞罗那曾效力团队: 阿森纳、塞尔塔维戈1974年4月12日出生在巴西圣保罗1995年西尔维尼奥加盟巴西科林蒂安俱乐部1999年6月30日正式加盟阿森纳队1999年8月1日在慈善盾杯2:1胜曼联队的比赛中首次代表阿森纳队出场2001年8月31日,从阿森纳队转会到塞尔塔维戈队,转会费为350万英镑2004年夏天,从塞尔塔队转会到巴塞罗那