1.On Boyer s Academic Concept and its Implications to China;论博耶的学术观及其对中国的启示

1.The Research on Boyer s Academic Thinking;欧内斯特·L·博耶的学术思想研究
2.Review on Ernest Boyer's Thought of "Scholarship of Teaching"欧内斯特·博耶“教学学术”思想评析
3.The French actor Charles Boyer plays a refugee in this nineteen-forty-one film.法国演员查尔斯?博耶扮演了一个逃难者,
4.Islamic Community in the Republic of Serbia: 38000 Pristina; Pres.-Dr Redzep Boje.塞尔维亚共和国伊斯兰共同体:普里什蒂纳;主席-雷哲普·博耶
5.Relation and Commonness--Comments on Ernest Boyer s Higher Education Thoughts;联系与共性——欧内斯特·博耶高等教育思想述评及其启示意义
6.Interpreting "Reinventing Undergraduate Education: Three Years After the Boyer Report";美国研究型大学本科教育改革新进展——《博耶报告三年回顾》解读
7.Flexibility of Labor-wage and Blindness of Accumulation Regime--On Robert Boyer's Study of Capitalist Regulation Process劳动—工资的弹性与积累模式的盲目性——试析罗伯特·博耶对资本主义调节机制的解读
8.Yiya: Dr. QQ! Come here. Benben and Jesse are here!QQ博士,快来。笨笨和耶西在这里!
9.However, Wenger does welcome back Jose Antonio Reyes, after the Spanish international was injured against Bolton Wanderers at Highbury nine days ago.但是,温格欢迎雷耶斯回归。雷耶斯在九天前对博尔顿的比赛中受伤。
10.My congratulations on your having received a Doctorate in Physics from Yale University.衷心祝贺你荣获耶鲁大学物理学博士学位。
11.59 mins - Reyes plays the ball inside for Bergkamp, Kirkland saves the shot and West Brom scramble it away again.59分钟,雷耶斯低传博格坎普,科克兰德档出射门。
12.Another option would be a 4-3-3 tactic with Del Piero and Valeri Bojinov fanning out around Zalayeta.另外一种选择是4-3-3,萨拉耶塔居中,和皮耶罗,博季诺夫组成三前锋。
13.You also made the LORD angry at Taberah, at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah.你们在他备拉,玛撒,基博罗哈他瓦又惹耶和华发怒。
14.Again at Taberah and at Massah and at Kibroth-hattaavah you provoked the Lord to wrath.申9:22你们在他备拉、撒、博罗哈他瓦、惹耶和华发怒。
15.There are many metaphors linked to the story of Three Magi who came from the East to adore the newborn Jesus.有很多隐喻同东方三博士崇拜新生的婴儿耶稣有关。
16.These five virtues can be collectively stated as loyalty and magnanimity, similar to mercifulness taught by Buddhism and love taught by Christianity.综合这五个字的意义就是忠恕,即佛家所说的慈悲,耶稣所说的博爱。
17.Brenda McClain, director of pediatric pain management services at Yale University.耶鲁大学儿科疼痛处理部门的主任,布伦达.麦克刻林博士说。
18.Dr. Hall made encouraging noises when I said I wanted to go to Yale University.我说我想上耶鲁大学时,霍尔博士就说了一些鼓励的话。

Karin Boye (1900~1941)博耶,K.
3)Boyer Report博耶报告
4)The Boyer Commission博耶委员会
5)Leboyer method莱博耶氏法
6)Boyer's educational idea博耶教育思想

博耶,K.  瑞典女诗人。生于哥德堡。在乌普萨拉和斯德哥尔摩受高等教育。曾在几个学校任教,并先后为两家报纸撰写文学评论。早在学生时期她就接近左派激进组织"火炬社",为这个组织的机关刊物撰稿。她对教育学有浓厚的兴趣。1931年创办精神分析杂志《光谱》。她的作品反映了她向往美好生活而又感到无法实现的矛盾。诗集《火炉》(1927)和《为这棵树而作》(1935)是她的代表作。第二次世界大战期间,创作了反映社会政治问题的小说《卡洛卡茵》(1940)。她在诗歌创作方面有较大成就,在瑞典现代文学史上占有重要地位。