1.The thesis discusses the commentary communication and the guiding public opinion through Internet.该论题力图探讨网络言论传播以及网络舆论引导问题。

1.The sayings of Jesus not in the Bible.耶稣言论耶稣未见于圣经的言论
2.Prefatory remarks or observations.开场白引言性的言论或评论
3.On the Sense of Criminal Law of Freedm of Speech论言论自由的刑法意义——从思想言论罪到言论自由
4.inflammatory remarks, speeches, words, etc煽动性的言论、 演说、 言词等.
5.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论
6."Polemics and Prophecies, 1967-1970"论战与预言,1967-1970
7.On the Illocutionary Force of Of Course;论Of Course的言外之力
8.a short, brief, detailed, general, long, etc introduction短序、 简短的序言、 绪论、 前言、 长的序言
9.The Pluralism of Linguistic World Outlook:The 8th Paper on Linguistic Embodiment Based on Embodied Philosophy and CL;语言世界观多元论——八论语言的体验观
10.Deity--A Language Constructed World--with comments on the non-instrumentalism of language神:语言构筑的世界——再论语言非工具论
11.On the Metalinguistic Position of Natural Languages in Language Philosophy;论自然语言在语言哲学中的元语言地位
12.The Tension of Chinese Language: the Linguistic View on Chinese Poetic Diction;终日言,而未尝言也——中国诗性文论语言观刍议
13.Reconsideration of Embodiment of Language;再论语言的体验性——认知语言学的语言体验观
14.On Linguistic Knowledge,Language Skill and Communicative Competence;试论语言知识、言语技能和语言交际能力的关系
15.On the Relation Between Nanchu Dialect and Chu Dialect According to DIALECT by Yangxiong in Western Han Dynasty;论扬雄《方言》中南楚方言与楚方言的关系
16.The View of Language as a Process-As Opposed to the View of Language as a Tool;语言过程说——一种不同于语言工具论的语言观
17.Language Life,Language Education and Language Theories in China in the 20th Century;20世纪中国的语言生活、语言教育和语言理论
18.Jackendoff s New Theory and the Internal Structure of Languages;Jackendoff语言新论对语言的解释力

linguistic literary theory语言论文论
3)On Freedom of Speech论言论自由
4)Language theory语言理论
1.In the field of language theory studies,by combining language .在语言理论研究方面,不仅通过翻译外国理 论 ,结合中国的语言实际编写了不少语言理论教材,而且在指导中国语言现代化实践的过程中 ,产生了有中国特色的语言理论。
5)judgement language论断语言
1.It is suggested in this paper that the artistic characteristic of Taishigong s Words is shown in three respects:the diversification of express feelings,rich and colorful judgement language and strong essay characteristic.本文不揣谫陋,揭示出《史记》“太史公曰”文学特征的三个方面,即抒情方式的多样化、丰富多彩的论断语言和富于杂文气息。
6)freedom of speech言论自由
1.Freedom of Speech and Local Governance:A Case Study of Pengshui Poem Event;言论自由与地方治理——以“彭水诗案”为例
2.Freedom of Speech as a Human Right;论人权意义上的言论自由
3.Limiting or promoting:freedom of speech examined from the perspective of copyright;限制抑或促进——从言论自由的角度解读版权

言论【言论】  谓以一切言说,决择是非,辩论得失,故名言论。