
1.relations were cool and polite; a cool reception; cool to the idea of higher taxes.关系是淡漠的但是有礼貌的;淡漠的接待;对征收更高税收的想法表现淡漠
2.Indifferent or lukewarm especially in matters of religion.淡漠的漠不关心或不热情的,尤指对宗教事务
3.Time goes by, good friendship may be lost.随着时间的消逝,友情也会淡漠消失。
4.His childhood memories have grown dim.他童年的记忆已经淡漠了。
5.All memory of-her childhood faded from her mind.童年的记忆在她脑海里逐渐淡漠了。
6.My wish of going abroad to study English damped down.我想出国学英语的愿望渐渐地淡漠了。
7.His face assumed an expression as unsympathetic as remote.他脸上带着一种淡漠而疏远的表情。
8.a woman of artless grace and simple goodness.淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子
9.No one is worthy of a god unless he has paid no heed to riches.只有对财富淡漠,才湛称为神。
10.He had dull his craving for verbal truth.他对于口头上的真话的渴求已经淡漠
11.Indifference and Consumption:"Sex"in Wang Xiaobo’s Novels;淡漠与消耗:王小波小说中的“性”
12.Comparison Between Zheng Zhenduo s Indifference And LuXun s Sorrow Over The Past;郑振铎《淡漠》与鲁迅《伤逝》之比较
13.psychologically cool; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike.心理上淡漠的;不友好的、冷淡的或表现出不喜欢的样子。
14.Yet, ominous images of the century still loom over me, challenging my apathy.然而不祥的世纪形象,不肯放过我的淡漠
15.glacial indifference, politeness冷漠、 冷淡的礼貌.
16.aloof or indifferent.冷淡的或漠不关心的。
17.An aloof or emotionally unresponsive person.冷漠,感情淡薄的人
18.Seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent.漠不关心的,冷淡的看上去漠不关心的或冷淡的

indifference of human nature人性淡漠
1.Nowadays, there is a severe tendency of "indifference of human nature" in the medical area especially in the clinical domain.当前 ,在医学领域尤其是临床医疗领域存在着严重的“人性淡漠”趋势 ,这一现象令人十分担忧 ,它不仅将严重阻碍医学自身的健康发展 ,而且会产生恶劣的社会影响。
1.Apathy and It s Related Factors in Parkinson s Disease;帕金森病患者的情感淡漠及相关因素的研究
6)amorphous type情绪淡漠

淡漠淡漠 冷漠、不热心。