
1.' Thus at a time when he should be persuaded to undertake truthfulness, he is persuaded to undertake falsehood.'因此,在他应被劝诫持守真语时却被劝诫持守妄语。
2.I expostulated with him with all the energy of which I was master.我费了九牛二虎之力劝诫他。
3.The headmaster was preaching to his pupils.校长正对他的学生们谆谆劝诫
4.A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises.劝诫性的讲话为鼓舞、刺激或郑重劝告而作的演说
5.Our teacher always preaches at me about being late for school.我们老师经常就上学迟到的事谆谆劝诫我。
6.My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.我的姐姐又因我不爱整洁而向我唠叨地劝诫了。
7.The Evil Merchants Images in "San Yan and Er Pai" and Its Function of Sermon;“三言”“二拍”中反面商人形象及其劝诫意义
8.Officials working behind the scenes urged them to avoid further confrontation.在幕后进行操纵的官员们极力劝诫他们应避免进一步的正面交锋。
9.After such comment, her mind was a bit uncomfortable and needs you advise.自此听了这劝诫之后,她的心有点难过,因此需要您的开示。
10.Particular urban legends may be spread either as fact or as a story一些特别的都市传说被传播的时候既不像故事也不像劝诫
11.Gautama Siddartha, who became the Buddha, urged his followers to isolate themselves from worldly life.乔达摩-悉达多,也就是佛陀,劝诫他的信徒们脱离尘世生活。
12.My sister has been preaching at me again about my bad behaviour.我的姊姊又在喋喋不休地劝诫我注意自己的不良行为了。
13.On Local Incentive and Persuasive Mechanisms on Cultural Heritage--With the Case of Shangluo Shaanxi in the Ming and Qing Dynasty论文化传承的地方激励与劝诫机制——以明清时期的陕西商洛为例
14.There was a long, nagging argument that went round and round, with shouts, whines, tears, remonstrances, bargainings.接着就是没完没了的哼哼唧唧,又是叫,又是哭,眼泪鼻涕,劝诫责骂,讨价还价。
15.Paul feels it necessary to write again to Timothy, to offer exhortation and encouragement to his beloved son in the faith.保罗感觉在这个时候非常有必要给提摩太写封信,鼓励他,劝诫他保守信仰。
16.Talking about his own experiences and feelings, he exhorted us to be diligent and to become a doer.并以自己过来人的身份,结合自身的经历与感受,劝诫大家要踏实,要勤奋。
17.To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct;remonstrate.规劝,告诫对某人认真地说明道理以达到劝阻或改正的目的;告诫
18.Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof.告诫,劝谏温和的,和善的,但诚挚的谴责

3)advisory letter劝诫信
4)preach[英][pri:t?][美][prit?]vt.& vi.讲道,劝诫
5)He expostulated with me on my rashness.他劝诫我别鲁莽。
6)Exhort her to confess the truth!"劝诫她招认真情吧

劝诫【劝诫】 (术语)教善云劝,制恶云诫。如来之教法,必具此两门。大判一代教,则经藏者劝门也,律藏者诫门也,乃至诸恶莫作者诫门也,众善奉行者劝门也。文句五下曰:“依三昧断德则有神通,依智慧智德则有说法。智断之力,能成法身。此之智断,还从劝诫两门入。劝即为人悉檀,诫即对治悉檀。此二悉檀为第一义悉檀而作方便。如来初欲劝门拟宜众生,令众善奉行,成就十力无畏一切种智,而众生不堪。次欲以诫门拟宜,令诸恶莫作,证大涅槃,而众生不堪。无机息化,故知念用大乘,只是劝诫两悉檀,神通智断耳。”