1.Help-seeking Behavior of Depressive Adolescents and Parents;抑郁障碍青少年及其父母的求助行为

1.It's sound policy to do a favor before seeking one.先助人后求助是良策。
2.To make an earnest or urgent request, as for help.恳求,求助进行热切或急迫的请求,如请求帮助
3.New means must of necessity be had recourse to.人们必然求助于新方法。
4.He will not stop making demands on me.他不会停止求助于我。
5.he goes to professor Smith for suggestions.他求助于史密斯教授。
6.Our recourse in illness is to a doctor.患病时我们求助于医生。
7.I had to turn to the dictionary for help.我只好求助于词典了。
8.Please implore someone else's help in a crisis.危险时请向别人求助
9.We can turn to him for help.我们可以求助于他。
10.All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.她屡屡求助均无人理会.
11.He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help.他不得不向戒指神求助
12.The child ran up to the mother to ask for help.小孩跑到妈妈身边求助
13.They raise alarm for help.他们发出警报求助
14.We must ask help from your father.我们必须向令尊求助
15.his only recourse was the police; took refuge in lying.他唯一的求助是警察。
16.ask a favor of a person请某人帮忙,求助于某人
17.Invoke emergency powers.求助紧急备用部队。
18.Asking a Stranger for Help在校外向陌生人求助

help request求助请求
3)ways of seeking assistance求助方式
4)psychological help-seeking心理求助
1.Development of the Questionnaire on the willing to Psychological Help-seeking for Middle School Students;中学生心理求助意愿问卷的编制
2.This paper reviewed the progress and achievements within the field of psychological help-seeking, and pointed out the limits of the studies.回顾了国内外心理求助研究的进展和现状,指出了目前研究中存在的局限。
5)Emergency No.110110求助
6)physical education help-seeking体育求助
1.Analysis of physical education help-seeking of university students;普通大学生的体育求助分析
