1.Master Chuandao s Thought and Practice of Earthly Buddhism;传道法师的人间佛教思想与实践

1.The minister is not preaching this Sunday.牧师这个礼拜天不传道
2.European Baptist Mission欧洲浸礼教徒传道
3.evangelical preaching热衷于福音传道的.
4.Holy Land Christian Mission, New York圣地基督教传道会,纽约
5.Former French Mission Building前法国外方传道会大楼
6.The preacher exhorted the audience to good deeds.传道者力劝听众行善。
7.Evangelist Professional Training Schoo福音传道专业训练学校
8.Medical Missionary Method and the Early Practice of the Medical Missionary Society in China;医务传道方法与“中国医务传道会”的早期活动
9.The missionaries of the Taichung mission all have very good qualities.台中传道部的传教士都有很好的素质。
10.The Tao about Changes, Gods, Human and Deities in the Book of Changes;《易传》中的易道与天道、人道及神道
11.Enlightenment of Propagation of Kickboxing, Karate and Judo to that of Wushu;跆拳道、空手道、柔道传播对武术传播的启示
12.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微
13.sloping channel through which things can descend.能用来传递东西的斜道。
14.medium temperature sensor in pipeline管道内介质温度传感器
15.granular vestibulitis of cattle牛传染性颗粒阴道炎
16.contagious granular vaginitis牛传染性结节性阴道炎
17.I have no idea of how to send a fax.我不知道如何传真。
18.the passage of electricity through a conductor.电在导体中传播的通道。

to preach; to deliver a sermon传教,传道
3)convey roller传输辊道
1.This article introduces a new bend pipe convey roller structure and design methods.介绍了一种新型、实用的弯管传输辊道的结构和参数设计,该辊道结构简单,经济实用,换道时间短,应用于弯管防腐生产线中,较好地解决了弯管抛丸除锈和涂层防腐时的不均匀问题。
4)traditional morals传统道德
1.Scott Fitzgerald intended to revive the American Spirit and traditional morals.基督受难和复活的象征意义作比较,发现他们有惊人相似之处,认为作者借此希望盖茨比所代表的美国精神和传统道德能复生。
2.Therefore,it is imperative and of profound meaning to develop an honest culture on the basis of the marrows of the traditional morals.廉政文化是通过文化的自身规律和渠道、文化传媒的方式和魅力影响着社会,因此在吸取中国传统道德精华的基础上大力推动廉政文化建设既势在必行,又意义深远。
3.The traditional morals essentially are the "the special principle" establishment on the foundation of blood relationship,the modern morals essentially are "the universalism" the morals surmounting human s nature relation,therefore moral reforming may regard as the modern morals surmounting to traditional morals natural foundation.传统道德本质上是建立在血缘基础上的“特殊主义”道德,现代道德本质上是超越人的自然联系的“普遍主义”道德,因此道德的现代化转型可以视为现代道德对传统道德自然基础的超越;道德的这一转型是社会转型的必然要求和价值体现;人本化、普遍化、主体化、公共化和理性化是其基本内涵;在中国境遇中,这一道德转型尚未完成,推进自然道德的消解和现代道德的整体生成,是道德建设的现代性目标。
5)traditional filial piety传统孝道
1.The Practical Significance of the Traditional Filial Piety for the Aged Problems in Rural Area传统孝道对解决我国农村养老问题的现实意义分析
2.With the entry into population aging,appreciating the social value of traditional filial piety and bring it into full play have a significa.传统孝道蕴含了十分丰富的养老思想,是我国传统养老的道德准则和基本的行为规范。
3.To analyse this issue,including the influence of traditional filial piety on it and offer some suggestion is of great significance to eliminate the special contradictions in this field.就传统孝道对农村养老的影响进行分析,提出一些对策,有助于化解和缓和农村养老中的一些突出矛盾。
6)channel transmission信道传输
1.It includs telemetry data channel transmission model,and how to apply data pack- et transmission technology inhibitory effect of the prol.文中包括遥测数据信道传输模型、如何采用数据分组传输技术抑制误码扩散效应和数据失锁。

传道1.转述;传说。 2.指传说之事。 3.儒家谓传授圣贤之道。 4.指宗教家宣传教旨。