1.The Inherent Contradictions and Inspirations of the Theory of Babansky s Teaching Optimization;巴班斯基教学最优化理论的内在矛盾及其启示

1.The Inherent Contradictions and Inspirations of the Theory of Babansky s Teaching Optimization;巴班斯基教学最优化理论的内在矛盾及其启示
2.The Babanski Teaching Superior Theories and Chinese Bilingual Teaching;巴班斯基教学优化理论与中国的双语教学
3.A Critique of Babansky s Optimization of Teaching;巴班斯基教学过程最优化理论的批判性思考
4.Benchmarking Spanish Companies for Successful Deployment of Continuous Improvement Practices in Pakistani Manufacturing Companies;以西班牙企业为成功基准的巴基斯坦企业的持续改进的应用研究
5.$$$$Pakistan$Islamic Republic of Pakistan$$$$巴基斯坦$巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国
6.of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language.属于或关于巴基斯坦、巴基斯坦人、巴基斯坦语的。
7.the Basque separatist organization ETA西班牙巴斯克分离主义组织埃塔
8.Spain's famous Basque sculptor Eduardo Chillida passed away西班牙巴斯克知名雕塑家奇利达辞世
9.The Islamic Republic of Pakistan巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国
10.Muslim League, Pakistan巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟
11.Instead she purchased a large wool scarf handmade in Pakistan to keep her neck and head warm in the cold wind of Banff.相反,她购买了一条由巴基斯坦人手工制作的大羊毛围巾,在班夫的寒风中为脖子和头部保暖。
12.Pakistan denies the existence of Taleban safe havens, but concedes militants are operating on both sides of border.巴基斯坦否认了塔利班组织安全避风港的存在,但是承认了武装分子在双方边境活动。
13.the basic unit of money in Kiribati.基里巴斯基本货币单位。
14.There is an evening plane running between Manchester and Paris .有一架晚班飞机来往于曼彻斯特和巴黎之间。
15.a former copper coin of Pakistan.巴基斯坦旧制辅币单位。
16.Palestinian Women Initiative Fund巴勒斯坦妇女倡议基金
17.Banach-Tarski paradox巴拿赫-塔尔斯基悖论
18.Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)乌尔都语(巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国)

1.Reflection on the Rescue on the Earthquake-striking Spot in Pakistan;巴基斯坦地震灾害搜救现场的救护体会
2.Development of Box Cars Exported to Pakistan;出口巴基斯坦棚车的研制
3)Kiribati, Republic of基里巴斯
4)Babinski sign巴宾斯基征
1.Methods106 patients with first pyramidal tract injured were elicited Babinski sign once a day.目的讨论巴宾斯基征拇趾背屈角度、持续时间和肢体肌力变化关系及引出巴宾斯基征敏感轨迹点的变化规律。
1.Analysis on the Intercultural Communication between Chinese and Pakistanis;中国人和巴基斯坦人之间的跨文化交流现状研究
6)Babinsky sign巴宾斯基症

马辛·巴斯兹尼斯基马辛·巴斯兹尼斯基 marcin baszczynski性别: 男国籍: 波兰出生城市:出生日期: 1977年6月7日身高: 182cm体重: 75kg场上位置: 后卫场上编号: 4所属团队: 波兰 克拉科夫曾效力团队: