1.However, indolence is spreading like a disease among university students today.劳动创造了人本身,劳动创造了世界,劳动是人类社会存在和发展的最基本条件,但好逸恶劳这种现象在不断地滋 生。
2)wait at one's ease for the fatigued enemy以逸待劳

1.We are as hosts at home awaiting the arrival of our weary visitors. This will give us victory in every battle.以逸待劳, 以主制客, 此乃百战百胜之势。
2.But the Red Army, though weak, has conserved its strength and stored up its energy, and is waiting at its ease for the fatigued enemy.红军虽弱,却养精蓄锐,以逸待劳
3.If we have two weeks to prepare we will be sitting pretty;咱们如果有两周做准备,就能以逸待劳
4.There was a time when people learned a trade only once in their life.过去,人们只要学习一项技能就可以一劳永逸。
5.Simple surgery in a Palermo hospital would permanently relieve the pain.在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感。
6.Is it a Permanent Solution to Reorganize in the Small State-owned Enterprises;国有小型企业改组为股份合作制就可以一劳永逸吗
7.once (and )for all一劳永逸,限此一次
8.Receptionist: Good morning, how can I help you?接待员:早安,有甚麽可以为你效劳?
9.Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工.
10.The One Right Way: There is no" one right way" to implement a software process.一劳永逸的办法:软件过程的实施并不存在一劳永逸的办法。
11.An International Sociological Journal.国际社会学杂志》刊载有关工作环境、劳逸结合、职工结构以及职业与专业问题等方面的研究论文。
12.Economy Methology Needs to Be Innovated Urgently--Example for Labour Value;经济学方法论亟待创新——以深化劳动价值论为例
13.To View Development in the Perspective of Labor Rights以劳权看待发展——劳权的权利论与功能论的多维度解释框架
14.The controversy should be fought out once for all这场争辩应该一劳永逸地彻底解决。
15."Nothing," I said,"is final."我说:“凡事都不会一劳永逸的。”
16.Hard work interchanges with rest辛勤工作与休息交替进行(劳逸结合)。
17.She had hoped to get rid of the girl for good and all.她原想一劳永逸地把这个姑娘赶走。
18.a lasting settlement of the troubles一劳永逸的解决纠纷的办法

wait at one's ease for the fatigued enemy以逸待劳
3)Unequality of fresh and worn-out劳逸不均
4)commute comfort for hardship以逸代劳
5)To exchange a life of ease for a life of toil舍逸就劳
6)interchange laBour and repose劳逸兼顾

劳逸劳逸lao versus yi lao一yi劳逸(zao versus yi)中国古代兵语。亦作劳佚。始见于苟恿典》引《军定“饥饱劳逸,地利为宝”。《孙子·虚乡“凡先处战地而待敌者佚,后处战地而者劳。”“逸”即安逸,养精蓄锐。“劳疲惫,士气沮丧,战斗力削弱。一般步主逸客劳,饱逸饥劳,静逸动劳。劳与够互相转化。作战的一般原则是“以劳”(《孙子·军争)))。对己“谨养而李(《孙子·九地)}),储足军粮,勤抚士卒全军气盛而力全,坚壁待机歼敌;对“佚能劳之”(《孙子·虚实}})。实现的是运用谋略调动敌人,使其疲于奔命,为客,反静为动,反饱为饥;我则由佚,由被动变主动。当己方处于有利地位时,要“佚而犹劳”(《百战奇法战》),警惕敌人乘我之逸而偷袭。 (许保,眯帜卜狱即洗嵘峪絮使恻淞过迹澎佚。