
1.The Relative Relation of "Hehunhancai" and "Hehunyangcai";“和魂汉才”与“和魂洋才”关系论
2.The Spirit of Japan and The Scholarship of China"--Study how the literature of China to be assimilated in "Genshimonogadri;;“和魂汉才”——《源氏物语》对汉文化的吸收
3.She's the soul and the center of everything in Atlanta that's sterling.只有她才是亚特兰大一切精华和灵魂的核心呢。
4.While technical devices, form and genre are the flesh and bones of an art, emotions are its soul.技巧、形式和流派只是艺术的骨肉,而情感才是艺术的灵魂。
5.Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail.艺术是人类灵魂中沉淀的蜂蜜,只有通过痛苦和辛劳才能获得。
6.I am happy when I can relax my tense face muscles and my worn spirit in deep seriousness.当我那紧张的面部肌肉和疲惫的灵魂可以在深沉的严肃中得到松弛时,我才感到快乐。
7.Having praised and coaxed the weak youth until he blushed and tingled with pleasure, she took another theme.这个意志薄弱的小伙子,被她的称赞和恭维弄得面红耳赤,神魂颠倒,她才改变了话题。
8.Whether, inside his soul, he really cared about the poor and suffering, only Donahue himself knew.在灵魂深处,他是否真的关心穷人和受苦受难的人,这只有唐纳休自己才知道。
9.Consequently, only the local humanistic spirit is the cultural factor for the rapid rising and constant developing of Taizhou individually-run economy.所以,只有源于台州本土的山魂海魄,才是台州民营经济迅速崛起和永续发展文化基因。
10.As soon as I was composed enough to think, I arrived at one distinct conclusion等我惊魂甫定,才想出个肯定的结论。
11.It was hope that held my nerves from shock.只是怀着一线希望,我才不致丧魂落魄。
12.It is the ordinary people who are the soul of a country.普通老百姓才是一个国家的灵魂。
13.If you ask for it now, he'll curse you till you don't know whether you're on your head or your heels!现在要,他要不骂出你的魂来才怪!
14.Illusion to richness for poverty:a view to business of a scholar in "tales of Liaozhai";穷而幻富:《聊斋志异》的士魂商才观
15.Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.而是让她为彼此灵魂之岸间涌动的海洋。
16.Love is a moving sea, between our soul!爱是波澜起伏的海洋,我们的灵魂隔海相望!
17.Analysis of Maternity in the Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique of Duras;灵魂铸就“母亲”——从杜拉斯《抵挡太平洋的堤坝》谈起
18.This is the one I'm really proud of.搞来这东西,才叫我洋洋得意哩!

The American Culture Japanized和魂美才
4)view to businenss of a scholar士魂商才
5)The Indigenous Earthenware Culture of the Remote Past绳魂弥才
6)Business talent and scholarly soul商才士魂
