
1.Investigation on Learning Fractions of Students of Grade Seven;七年级学生分数学习情况的调查研究
2.Seventh graders from the U. S. scored 24th in mathematics and 13th in science.美国七年级学生数学排名第24,科学排名第13。
3.A Research on the Academic Adjustment of the Seventh Grade Students to New Mathematic Courses;数学新课程中七年级学生学习适应性调查研究
4.Practice and Study on Mathematics Growing-up Portfolio Assessment for Grade 7 Students;七年级学生数学成长记录袋评价的实践研究
5.On Investigating and Analysis of Number Sense of Students in Grade Seven--and Talk with International Comparison;七年级学生“数感”的调查与分析——兼谈与国际比较
6.Research of Promoting the Change of Acoustic Concept for the Seventh Grade Students by the Use of Structured inquiry Theme Activities利用结构化主题探究活动促进七年级学生声学概念转变的研究
7.Junior high school -- for students in grades seven and eight (ages 13 and 14), although sometimes ninth grade is also included;初级中学——供七年级和八年级的学生就读(年龄十三到十四岁),虽然有时也包括第九年级;
8.A Study on Training the Students Geography Quality in the Geography Bilingual Teaching in Grade7;七年级《地理》双语教学在培养学生地理学科素质中的作用研究
9.Joey had made the "team." He was in seventh grade.他才是个七年级生,而其余的人都是八年级生。
10.The Experiment on Improvement the Operative Ability of Low-grade Pupils with Seven-piece Puzzle Training;七巧板训练与小学低年级学生操作能力提高的实验研究
11.An analysis of the textbook science and suggestions on instruction;《科学》(七年级上册)教材解读及教学建议
12.On the Problems of the Teaching of Grade Seven s Ideology and Morality;七年级《思想品德》课堂教学的问题探讨
13.We are freshmen and they are sophomores.我们是一年级学生,他们是二年级学生。
14.In science and mathematics for seventh and eighth graders, Singapore, Korea, Japan, and the Czech Republic were among the toprated nations.从七八年级学生的科学和数学情况看,新加坡、韩国、日本和捷克共和国等国名列前茅。
15.Analysis of the Final Examination Paper of Pharmacology for Year 2003 Students Majoring in Clinical Medicine;临床医学七年制2003级《药理学》考试试卷分析
16.The Research and Practice of the Teaching Pattern of Cooperative Study in Grade Seven Geography七年级地理合作学习教学模式的研究与实践
17.The first week or so of 7th grade, he explained his philosophy on homework.在七年级刚开学的第一周里,亨利克先生就对我们申明了他的教学观点。
18.Medical students in Japan have to study for seven years I university.在日本,医学院的大学生要学习七年。

seventh grade mathematics七年级数学
3)seven-year medical majors七年制学生
1.This study analyzed the English writing ability of seven-year medical majors,including the merits and demerits.文章分析了医学七年制学生的英语写作能力。
4)Composition teaching of Year 7七年级作文教学
5)seven-year program medical student七年制医学生
1.We tried bilingual approach in biochemical experiment teaching for seven-year program medical students and obtained good results.我们尝试对七年制医学生生物化学实验采用双语授课,取得了初步的效果,但在推行过程中也发现了一些问题。
2.Proceeding with teaching content,method and evaluation,the authors studied and discussed the individualized English teaching mode for seven-year program medical students by combining classroom teaching and after-class independent learning,cultivating both the students English comprehensive ability and specialized English skills to enhance their English level and learning ability.以七年制医学生为实验对象进行英语个性化教学模式的研究和探讨,采用课堂教学与课外自主学习相结合的方法,从教学内容、教学方法和教学评价几方面入手,把培养学生英语语言综合能力和专业英语技能结合起来,以提升学生的英语水平和学习能力,收到了良好的效果。
6)University and College Student of Seven Year Program七年制临床学生

七氟醚,七氟异丙甲醚,七氟烷药物名称:七氟烷英文名:Sevoflurane别名: 七氟醚,七氟异丙甲醚,七氟烷外文名: Sevoflurane, Travenol 适应症: 诱导和苏醒较现有的强效麻醉药快。对心血管影响比异氟烷小,心律失常少见,与肾上腺素合用无妨;有良好的肌松作用,随麻醉加深呼吸抑制加重,但较氟烷轻;对脑血流量、颅内压影响与异氟烷相似,未见明显的肝损害。 用量用法: 麻醉诱导系用50%~70%氧化亚氮,2.5%~4.5%七氟烷,然后静注琥珀胆碱,作气管插管。麻醉维持吸入O22L/min,N2O4L/min,和本品〉4%。小儿麻醉选用本品,麻醉诱导和苏醒迅速,对呼吸循环影响小。 注意事项: 有报道本品可能产生恶性高热,它继发于体温调节中枢受损。目前本品已在临床应用。 规格: 本品为不燃烧的挥发性液体。120ml,250ml. 类别:全身麻醉药\吸入麻醉药