
1.Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication and Learner’s Affective Elements: Ideas in Classroom FLT;教师非言语行为与学习者的情感因素——外语课堂教学有感
2.The PE. Teachers of Middle School Non-spoken Language Teaching Behavior Observation Formulation and Application中学体育教师非言语教学行为观察表的制定及应用
3.A Study of the Relationship between Teacher Nonverbal Immediacy and Student Motivation to Learn in Chinese College Classroom;大学课堂教师非言语亲密行为与学生学习动机关系研究
4.The Teacher's Nonverbal Behavior and Classroom Environment教师的非言语行为和课堂环境的关系
5.Effects of an English Teacher s Nonverbal Behavior in Primary School Classroom;小学英语教师的课堂非言语行为对教学的影响
6.Teacher s Nonverbal Behavior in the Classroom and Its Role in Developing Teacher-Student Relationship;教师课堂非语言行为及其在师生关系中的作用
7.An Empirical Study on the Classroom Nonverbal Behaviors of College English Teachers;大学英语教师课堂非言语行为的实证研究
8.Cultivating English Teachers Nonverbal Communicative Competence in Secondary Schools;论中学英语教师非语言交际能力的培养
10.The Practice of English Teaching for Kindergarten Teachers in the Perspective of Nonverbal Communication非语言交际理论视角下幼师英语教学实践
11.The Study on Nonverbal Communication Used by Junior English Teacher in Class Teaching初中英语教师课堂非语言交际运用研究
12.Nonverbal Language in Acculturation and English Teaching --inquiry into English teachers?nonverbal language within the classroom;从非言语语看涵化与英语教学——对英语教师在课堂中非言语语的调查
13.An Overview of teacher s Non-verbal Sign application in the classroom teaching;教师的非语言符号在课堂教学中的运用
14.Analysis of Interactive Synchrony of Non-verbal Behavior Between Teachers and Students in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学中师生非言语行为互动的同步性分析
15.The Efficacy of Teacher s Error Correction on College Students Foreign Language Writing;非英语专业大学生英语作文语言错误教师纠错效度研究
16.Preliminary Discussion on Non-verbal Communicative Behavior of Teachers in Institute English Teaching;浅议高职高专课堂英语教学中教师非语言交际行为
17.Study on Application of College English Teacher Nonverbal Communication in Classroom Teaching大学英语教师非语言交际在课堂教学中的应用研究
18.Classroom Language in Second Language Acquisition教师课堂教学语言之于第二语言习得

teacher's nonverbal communication教师非言语行为
3)teacher's non-verbal expression教师非语言表达
4)verbal and nonverbal behaviors教师言语和非言语行为
5)teachers language教师语言
1.The style of a teachers language should have its own unique aesthetic character.教师语言是用来"传道、授业、解惑"并用来传情达意的。
2.Education for all-round development makes a new requirement for teachers language.素质教育对教师语言提出了新的要求:要关注学生的全面发展,努力使教学卓有成效,也要注意把握课程本身的特点,形成独特的语言风格。
3.The teachers language is a kind of professional language.教师语言是教师的行业用语。
6)teacher talk教师语言
1.In the framework of metafunction of functional grammar,this paper is to analyze and discuss the functions of teacher talk in terms of its cognitive function,appraisive function and interactive function in teacher-student interaction in a foreign language teaching class.运用系统功能语言学理论,从师生互动的层面对外语教学中教师语言的认知功能、评价功能和互动功能进行了探讨,说明教师可以通过更多地使用并引导学生使用自然语言来提高学生的语言认知能力,通过对学生表现的有目的的评价来调动学生的积极情感、促进学生的语言输出并进而提高语言应用能力,通过有效的提问方式加强与学生间的互动等。
2.Following the social constructivist theory of learning, this present study primarily examines the effects of teacher talk on children’s learning in preschool English-medium activities.在有利于幼儿学习的教师语言行为中,提问行为比非提问行为对幼儿学习过程的影响更大,后续行为比诱发行为对幼儿学习的影响更大。
3.Based on the speech act theory, the teacher talk in foreign language classrooms of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) is observed and analysed.鉴于教师语言在教学中,尤其是外语教学中的重要性,本文在言语行为理论框架的指导下对外语教学中的教师语言进行了分析讨论,并在调查结果的基础上从讲解语、提问语、评价语等方面提出了改进教师语言的合理建议。

教师言语美教师言语美beauification of a teacher's speech 教师言语美(beauifieation of a teacher’s印eech)教师的具有“育人”特色的言语之美,不是一般所谓的吐词典雅、声音悦耳、语调铿锵之类的美,是教师角色美的构成因素之一。引起学生美感的,由学生认定的教师言语的美是多种多样的,如逻辑严密、形象生动,等等,这种认定有主观性。由于师生的“角色关系”,这种美除了和其他人的言语美有共同的特征,如科学性、思想性、逻辑性、规范性、可接受性之外,还有其独具的特点,即对学生的教育启发性。如果没有这一特点,就不能启发学生成才的自觉性和积极性。启发学生的自觉性和积极性的工作是多方面的。但是,如果一位教师缺乏这种美,他就难于完成这一工作了。它的形成,除了教师的一般言语的修养外,与他对教学、教育内容的特点和学生心理特点的掌握成正相关,没有对这一特点的深切了解,就没有这种美。 (周作云撰张粹然审)