2)self-managed class班级自主管理
1.This article is based on the international materials about class management and case study of Jiangyin Senior high school, to research on realization of self-managed class through cultural approach.本文在研究国内外班级管理资料的基础上,以江阴高级中学为例,探索通过文化路径来实现班级自主管理,通过打造班级精神文化、完善班级制度文化、建设班级物质文化等方法,营造良好的班级氛围,建立优良的班级文化,实现学生的全面发展,促进班主任专业化水平的不断提升。

1.The Exploration on Middle Schools' Class Autonomous Management from Perspective of Self-organizing Theory自组织理论视野中的中学班级自主管理探究
2.Discussion on the Basic Concept of Class Autonomous Management against the Background of Quality-oriented Education素质教育背景下班级自主管理理念探讨
3.Construction of High School Class Self-Management Model of Practice and Exploration;构建高中班级自主管理模式的实践探索
4.To Develop Students Independence from the Point of Class Management;从班级管理着手培养学生的自主能力
5.On How to Foster the Student s Ability in Self Administration;在班级值周中培养学生自主性管理能力
6.Dialogue--The New Idea Of Head Teacher In Class Management论对话——班主任班级管理的新理念
7.Innovation in Class Management: On Administrative Staff As the Teacher in Charge of a Class班级管理的创新:行政人员担任班主任
8.The Analysis of the Tutor s Work in Higher Vocational College;班主任做好班级管理工作的几点要求
9.Optimized work team structure to facilitate independent work team management in coal mines优化煤矿班队结构 实施班队自主管理
10.Focusing on People in Class Management;班主任在班级管理中应树立以人为本的理念
11.Tay to Analyze How to do Well Class Directors;浅析“高中班主任”如何做好班级管理工作
12.The Emphases on the Class Management in Vocational Colleges and the Adaptation of the Post of Teacher in Charge;职业院校班级管理的重点及班主任的岗位适应
13.The Utilization of People Oriented Principle on Class Management of Head Teacher in College以人为本在高校班主任班级管理中的运用
14.Tendency of Technolism in Class Management and Animadverting班级管理中的技术主义倾向及其批判
15.Strengthen Self-contained Management of Teams and Enhance Workshop Management Level;强化班组自主管理 提高车间管理水平
16.On How to Deal with the Relations between Class Spousers and Student Carders in Class Management in Colleges;论大中专院校班级管理中班主任与班干部的关系
17.Significance of Establishing Self-Administration System in Class Management;构建自我管理机制在班级管理中的意义
18.Research on the Self-education & Self-management of Class Students in High School关于中学班级学生自我教育、自我管理的研究

self-managed class班级自主管理
1.This article is based on the international materials about class management and case study of Jiangyin Senior high school, to research on realization of self-managed class through cultural approach.本文在研究国内外班级管理资料的基础上,以江阴高级中学为例,探索通过文化路径来实现班级自主管理,通过打造班级精神文化、完善班级制度文化、建设班级物质文化等方法,营造良好的班级氛围,建立优良的班级文化,实现学生的全面发展,促进班主任专业化水平的不断提升。
3)democratic management of classes班级民主管理
1.The issue of democratic education is one of the eternal subjects discussed in the educational field and democratic management of classes is the heated issue in the reform of class management.教育民主问题是教育界探讨的永恒主题之一,班级民主管理是当今班级管理改革中的热点问题,我在长期的班主任工作中有许多关于班级民主管理的困惑。
4)Student autonomous management学生自主管理
5)automatic management of class班级自动化管理
1.Wei-shusheng s thought about automatic management of class manifests mainly in the following aspects:teacher s personality charm is the premise,raising students self-control ability is the key,and training students ability of solving question is the guarantee.魏书生班级自动化管理思想的精髓主要体现在:教师的人格魅力是实现班级自动化管理的重要前提;培养学生的自我控制能力是实现班级自动化管理的关键;培养学生解决问题的能力是实现班级自动化管理的保证。
6)Class Sponsor and Class Management班主任与班级管理
