1.Teacher Learning that Support Student Learning——American Educationist Linda Darling-Hammond Discussing Teachers Education有助于学生发展的教师学习——美国教育家琳达·达林-哈蒙德论教师教育

1.Don't take notice of Hammond's letters, they are nothing but hot air.不要理会哈蒙德的那些信, 全都是吹牛。
2.Now we finally come to electronic instruments. In these instruments sounds are produced by varying the oscillations of radio tubes with the exception of the Hammond organ.现在该说说电子乐器了。除哈蒙德电风琴,这类乐器全是靠变换无线电真空管振荡而发声的。
3.Teacher Learning that Support Student Learning--American Educationist Linda Darling-Hammond Discussing Teachers Education有助于学生发展的教师学习——美国教育家琳达·达林-哈蒙德论教师教育
4.It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harlod's eyes; he's far too perceptive.无法蒙骗哈罗德, 他洞察力太强了。
5.An Investigation and Study on the Ethnic Intermarriage between Mongolian, Tibetan, Hui and Hans in Delingha City;德令哈市蒙藏回汉族际通婚调查研究
6.An Study on the Ethnic Intermarriages Between Mongol,Tibetan,Hui and Han in Delingha City;德令哈市蒙、藏、回、汉族际通婚调查研究
7.Hartford is a central Vermont town located in Windsor County within the bi-state Lebanon-Hanover-Hartford region.哈特福德是在黎巴嫩─汉诺威─哈特福德地区内,位于温泽县的佛蒙特州中部小镇。
8.Besides Manhattan, it has four other boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx, Richmond, and Queen's.纽约市分为五个行政区:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布朗克斯、里奇蒙德和昆斯。
9.Harry is usually in danger from an evilwizard, Lord Voldemort.哈里常常陷入邪恶的巫师沃德蒙制造的凶险之中。
10.1656 Edmond Halley, English astronomer and mathematician, renowned for studies of comets, was born in London.以研究彗星称著的英国天文学家、数学家埃德蒙·哈雷生于伦敦。
11.MOKTI bin Haji Md. Daud, Haji Abd.哈吉·莫克蒂·本·哈吉·稻德
12.The Adventures of Harry Richmond哈利·里奇蒙历险记
13."Damon Hill took the lead with just three laps remaining, after Austria's Gerhard berger suffered a Blown engine in his benetton."继哥哈德。伯格的贝纳通车发动机坏了之后,达蒙.希尔在最后3圈的时候领了先。
14.Both Derrida and Habermas affirm the Value of the Enlightenment ideals of world citizenry and cosmopolitan right.德希达与哈伯玛斯皆肯定启蒙时期世界公民权与世界公民观的正确性。
15.The great astronomer Edmund Halley eventually persuaded Newton to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion.著名的天文学家埃德蒙·哈雷,最后说服了牛顿让他总结在运动定律方面的研究结果。
16.The Change of Community Service Functions in Turning Period--A Case Observation on a Community in Harbin;试论社会转型期社区服务职能的改变——对哈尔滨市埃德蒙顿社区的个案考察
17.Harold Bloom’s Criticism on Montaigne and Molière--Additional Discussion on the Characteristics and Illuminations of Harod Bloom’s Text Criticism Practice哈罗德·布鲁姆论蒙田和莫里哀——兼谈其文本批评实践的特点和启示意义
18.Edmond Goncourt龚古尔,埃德蒙(法)

HDL Harry Diamond Laboratories哈里戴蒙德实验室,即钻石公司(美国)
4)Zaha Hadid扎哈·哈迪德
1.From the Dynamic Composing to the Overall Design of Non-linearity and Fluid Style —— Interpreting the Design Vocabulary of Zaha Hadid’s Two Works for Competition;从“动态构成”到“非线性流体式整体设计”——解读扎哈·哈迪德两个竞赛方案设计语汇
2.Itsuko Hasegawa and Zaha Hadid:comparison of twowoman architectural masters;长谷川逸子与扎哈·哈迪德:当今两位女建筑大师的比较
3.Development of Zaha Hadid s Design Idea and Logic of Her Formal Language;浅析扎哈·哈迪德设计思想之衍变及形式语言之逻辑
6)Robert Abbott Hadfield (1858~1940)哈德菲尔德

哈蒙德哈蒙德美国印第安纳州西北部工业城市。位于密歇根湖南端、芝加哥东南 32公里。人口9.4万(1980)。1851年定居,1884年建市。是重要的河港和铁路枢纽。有大炼钢厂和炼油厂,还有印刷、肥皂、人造奶油、谷物加工、铁路器材等工业。1901年大火灾后,曾盛极一时的肉类加工、包装工业已迁至芝加哥。