1.Classmeeting plays an important role in political education classes for students,professional quality training,and the construction of the school spirit,study style and class atmosphere,but today the construction of the classmeeting in higher vocational colleges is not very good.班会课在学生思想政治教育、职业素质培养及校风、学风、班风建设等方面均具有举足轻重的作用,但目前高职高专院校班会课的建设却并不理想。

1.Journey of knowledge: take the time of class meetings to arrange freshmen to participate in lectures by classes.十四、识之旅:利用班会课安排新生分班入馆参加讲座。
2.In the English conversation course, the trainees were divided into fast, average and slower-moving sets英语会话课上被分快班、中班和慢班
3.Therefore, I always rank the first of the class for all the accountancy courses.所以,我会计方面的课程总是全班第一名.
4.Practice and Understanding of PE Teaching Classed According to Gender in Our School我院体育课男女分班教学的实践和体会
5.A Comparative Study on Equal Educational Opportunities in the Classroom Teaching between Big-Sized Class and Small-Sized Class;大、小班课堂教学中教育机会均等的比较研究
6.Classroom Interaction: Sociological Analysis of An Educational Phenomenon--Countermeasure of Classroom Interaction in Large &Small Classes of Primary School;课堂互动:一种教育现象的社会学分析——小学低年级大班与小班语文课堂互动之对策
7.remedial classes, lessons, groups, etc补习班、 课、 小组等
8.Too many advertisements of summer specialty training classes and intensive training classes held by schools and social organizations are posted in the campus.学校和社会举办的各种暑期特长班和文化课强化班的广告在校内铺天盖地。
9.We will, however, distribute a list in class so that the available titles are distributed across the students in the class.不过,我们会在课堂上分发电影名录,让能到手的资料在全班散布。
10.If necessary, she enlists the aid of youngsters in this class to help her set up for the next one.他会徵召班上的学童帮其摆设好下堂课所需的东西。
11.The classes range from the pre-intermediate (stupid), intermediate (not good) and advanced intermediate (pretty good).课程级别有初级班、中级班和高级班三种。
12.The Experimental Program of Humanities,National Scholarship and Interdisciplinary Studies;文科试验班、“国学班”和跨学科的综合课程班
13.When lectures are the principal method of instruction in larger classes, regular periods may be set aside for small group discussions under the leadership of an assistant instructor.人数较多的班以讲课为主要教学方法,但也会抽出上课时间由助教负责进行小组讨论。
14.What class are you in? I am in middle class4.你在哪个班级上课啊?我在中四班!
15.The monitor distributed a series of textbooks round the class.班长在全班分发了许多课本。
16.We each take charge of the lessons for three classes.我们每人教3个班的课。
17.In my maths class, there're twenty-three.我们的数学课班有23人。
18.He lectured on chemistry to a class.他给一个班上化学课。

class meeting班会
1.Theme class meeting is a kind of collective education activity and it is an important way of education for the deaf.主题班会是聋校各种德育教育方式中一种行之有效的教育方法,班会作用不容小觑。
2.The following four aspects on class meeting organization should be done well:direct scientifically;establish right concept;attach importance to using effective carrier to develop topic class meeting;give full play to students autonomous automatic and willing consciousness and have a definite object in view to manage themselves;in time develop evaluation and at proper time insp.班会是沟通师生之间的思想感情,对学生进行思想教育的一种有效形式。
3)course class课程班
1.Initiation of training project of Guangdong specialized nurse graduate course class;广东省专科护士研究生课程班培训项目的启动
4)late enrollment插班上课
5)conducting a demonstrative lesson in an unfamiliar class借班上课
1.While conducting a demonstrative lesson in an unfamiliar class,a teachers four effective ways are enthusiasm,humor,instruction,and a pre-class ta.教师借班上课,总会碰到因不了解学生、不熟悉环境,而导致教学预设不当、师生无法有效沟通产生的教学阻隔现象。
6)small class size小班授课
1.By implementing centralization strengthening, grading teaching, small class size, communication teaching and combination teaching of Chinese teachers and foreign teachers, students listening and speaking ability are greatly improved.《培正英语》校本课程开发,以学生为中心,以提高英语应用能力为导向,通过集中强化、分级教学、小班授课、采用英语交际法及中外教师联合教学,全面提升了学生英语综合应用能力。


工艺过程设计的基本内容 冲压工艺规程是模具设计的依据,而良好的模具结构设计,又是实现工艺过程的可靠保证,若冲压工艺有改动,往往会造成模具的返工,甚至报废。冲制同样的零件,通常可以采用几种不同方法。工艺过程设计的中心就是依据技术上先进,经济上合理,生产上高效,使用上安全可靠的原则,使零件的生产在保证符合零件的各项技术要求的前提下,达到最佳的技术效果和经济效益冲压件工艺过程设计的主要内容和步骤是一. 分析零件图(冲压件图) 产品零件图是分析和制定冲压工艺方案的重要依据,设计冲压工艺过程要从分析产品的零件图人手。分析零件图包括技术和经济两个方面1. 冲压加工的经济性分析冲压加工方法是一种先进的工艺方法,因其生产率高,材料利用率高,操作简单等一系列优点而广泛使用。由于模具费用高,生产批量的大小对冲压加工的经济性起着决定性作用,批量越大,冲压加工的单件成本就越低,批量小时,冲压加工的优越性就不明显,这时采用其他方法制作该零件可能有更好的经济效果。例如在零件上加工孔,批量小时采用钻孔比冲孔要经济;有些旋转体零件,采用旋压比拉深会有更好的经济效果。所以,要根据冲压件的生产纲领,分析产品成本,阐明采用冲压生产可以取得的经济效益2. 冲压件的工艺性分析冲压件的工艺性是指该零件在冲压加工中的难易程度。在技术方面,主要分析该零件的形状特点,尺寸大小,精度要求和材料性能等因素是否符合冲压工艺的要求。良好的工艺性应保证材料消耗少,工序数目少,模具结构简单,且寿命长,产品质量稳定,操作简单,方便等。在一般情况下,对冲压件工艺性影响最大的是冲压件结构尺寸和精度要求,如果发现零件工艺性不好,则应在不影响产品使用要求的前提下,向设计部门提出修改意见,对零件图作出适合冲压工艺性的修改。